Lookup mod

This mod manages lookup tables that help decko sites scale as their decks grow increasingly large and their queries increasingly complex.


CQL is a powerful language for navigating card relationships. It is easy, for example, to find all the cards of a given type that have a field card of a given name that link to a third card with given content and on and on and on.

But to work, these CQL queries must be translated into SQL and executed, and when a database grows large, it can become quite expensive to execute all the implied self joins.

For example, consider the use case that first inspired this code: answers on wikirate.org. Wikirate is a site that collects answers to questions about companies. A given answer is a response to a given metric for a given year for a given company. When you consider all the kinds of companies and metrics and metric designers that Wikirate supports, you can imagine the queries becoming quite complex if we have to re-join the cards table to itself every time we want to consider a different variable.

The solution was to make a "lookup" table for answers that employs much more conventional relational database design.

An increasingly common Decko pattern is to design structures organically and fluidly with cards and then to optimize those structures with lookup tables once the structures have matured. This pattern can be a surprisingly pleasant change to those accustomed to having to try to perfect their data structure before they've collected any data.



To create a lookup table, you will need to create a database table (most often by using Rails migrations) and a ruby class like the following Country lookup:

in lib/country.rb:

# class for lookup table named "countries"
class Country < Cardio::Record

  # country_id in countries table corresponds to id of company card
  @card_column = :country_id

  # query of all cards in lookup
  @card_query = { type_id: :company, trash: false }

  include LookupTable

  # The following three are equivalent.
  # Each would populate a `continent_id` column based on a value returned 
  # by the continent_id method on the country card.

  # explicit fetch method
  def fetch_continent_id

  # fetcher with hash argument. hash value becomes method
  fetcher continent_id: :continent_id

  # fetcher with symbol arguments. column name and method must be the same
  fetcher :continent_id


in set/type/country.rb:

# methods for accessing lookup entries
include_set Abstract::Lookup

# events for maintaining lookup sync
include_set Abstract::LookupEvents

# record class from above
def lookup_class

# called by lookup instance; uses cards
def continent_id

# uses lookup table
def continent_id_from_lookup


in set/right/continent.rb

# methods for maintaing companies table when continent changes
# (admittedly an infrequent occurence)
include_set Abstract::LookupField


Include this set to gain a helpful framework for developing a filter interface for lookup tables.