
A gem for managing multiple cassandra schemas across multiple clusters. CassSchema supports loading a table schema from scratch, as well as running a migration to apply a change to the schema. Unlike some other database migration tools, there is no stored state about which migrations have and have not been run -- a migration is simply a CQL statement to be run against the database.

CassSchema operations apply to multiple 'datastores'. A datastore is a cluster, keyspace pair, so there may be multiple schemas for a single cluster, but only a single schema for a given cluster plus keyspace.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cass_schema', github: 'backupify/cass_schema'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install cass_schema


Before usage, CassSchema must be initialized with a set of datastore objects, as well as a base directory where the schema definitions live:

  datastores: CassSchema::YamlHelper.datastores('my/path/to/config.yml'),
  schema_base_path: 'my/path/to/schema/root')

Here the datastores are a list of CassSchema::DataStore objects. These may be build manually, or loaded from a yaml file using the CassSchema::YamlHelper. CassSchema is intentionally agnostic about the source of these datastores.

The schema_base_path is a directory where the schema definitions and migrations live. The structure of this directory should be:


The contents of each cql file should be a list of CQL statements. Comments starting with '#' are supported, and each statement should be separated by two new lines.

schema.cql and each migration should be maintained by hand. It is recommended that schema.cql contain a complete list of CQL statements for the entire, up-to-date schema.

An example yml config and datastore schema definition are in the test/fixtures directory.

Rake tasks

The file lib/cass_schema/tasks/schema.rake defines several rake tasks for schema management. In a Rails project, these tasks are loaded when cass_schema is first loaded.

  • rake cass:schema:create_all - create all schemas
  • rake cass:schema:drop_all - drop all schemas
  • rake cass:schema:create[datastore] - create the schema for the datastore named 'datastore'
  • rake cass:schema:drop[datastore] - drop the schema for the datastore named 'datastore'
  • rake cass:schema:migrate[datastore, migration] - run the migration 'migration' for the datastore 'datastore'

Ruby Library Usage

To create all datastore schemas:


To create a particular datastore schemas:


To drop all datastore schemas:


To drop a particular datastore schemas:


To run a particular migration for a particular datastore:

CassSchema::Runner.migrate('datastore', 'migration')

Here the migration file 'migration.cql' should exist.

Integration with other libraries

While CassSchema::YamlLoader provides ease of use, it is not required: the runner can be instantiated with any list of CassSchema::Datastore objects. Here is an example manual set up:

cluster = [''], port: 9242)
replication = "{ 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }"
datastores = ['test_datastore', cluster: cluster, keyspace: 'test_keyspace', replication: replication),'test_datastore2', cluster: cluster, keyspace: 'test_keyspace2', replication: replication),
Runner.setup(datastores: datastores, schema_base_path: 'my/base/path')

This allows CassSchema to be integrated into other configuration schemes more easily.

Additionally, the global CassSchema::Runner object need not be used: An instance of CassSchema::Runner can be constructed and used in the same manner as the global object:

# Accepts the same arguments as Runner#setup
runner = datastores, schema_base_path: 'my/base/path')


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