
A helper which will let you find certificates on OSX


General Help

$ cert-help --help
cert-help <command>
    -h --help              prints this help screen
    -v --version           show the current version
    search <term>          search for a certificate
    apple <method>         find apple certificates

Command Specific Help

$ cert-help search --help
cert-help search <term>
<term>   search for a particular term



Dependencies are handled with Bundler and stored in Gemfile.

bundle install

Running in console

The Rakefile contains a task for loading the project into irb

$ rake console
irb -rubygems -r ./lib/cert-help.rb

Packaging Gem

Update VERSION in lib/cert-help.rb with the correct new version then run the build task.

The task will update s.files = %w[ with the contents of git ls-files, meaning files not added to git will not be packaged (few exceptions).

The resulting gem will then be moved to the pkg folder.

$ rake build
Updated cert-help.gemspec
mkdir -p pkg
gem build cert-help.gemspec
  Successfully built RubyGem
  Name: cert-help
  Version: 0.1
  File: cert-help-0.1.gem
mv cert-help-0.1.gem pkg