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Do you need to allow your administrator to edit the static content of your views?

Changeful is a gem that converts your static content in your views to be stored into database. Thereafter, administrator can use RailsAdmin or Active Admin to edit the static content.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'changeful'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install changeful

After you install Changeful to your Gemfile, you need to run the generator:

$ rails generate changeful:install

This will generate the migration needed for Changeful

Run the migration to update the schema

$ rake db:migrate



<h1><%= changeful_content(:about_us_title) %></h1>
<div class='about-us-content'>
  <%= changeful_content :about_us_content do %>
    <p>You can also include HTML content as the default content in a block.</p>
    <div class='more-content'>Nested tags are also okay.</div>
  <% end %>


%h1= changeful_content(:about_us_title)
  = changeful_content :about_us_content do
    %p You can also include HTML content as the default content in a block.
    .more-content Nested tags are also okay.


h1 = changeful_content(:about_us_title)
  = changeful_content :about_us_content do
    p You can also include HTML content as the default content in a block.
    .more-content Nested tags are also okay.

The view helper method changeful_content will return the content found in Changeful database. You can also set a default if there is no content found.

Available Options

Key Accepted Values What it does
default String It sets the default content to return if the key is not found in database
type :plain, :html It tells backend gems to display the correct input field in the backend

More Examples

# In your views
changeful_content(:about_us_title, default: 'About Us')
changeful_content(:about_us_title, default: 'About Us', type: :plain) 

# Or you can use the shorter method alias cc
cc :about_us_title
cc :about_us_title, default: 'About Us'
cc :about_us_title, default: 'About Us', type: :plain

Integration with back-end


Run the following CLI to generate the model

$ rails generate changeful:models:active_admin

By default it will create changeful_content.rb in app/admin folder with the default configuration.

Note: The default configuration for text editor assumes you are using the ckeditor gem, replace the editor accordingly.

Rails Admin

There are two approaches to set up rails admin.

To include the ALL models manually.

# config/initializers/rails_admin.rb

config.included_models = ["Changeful::Content", "YourOwnModel", "YourAnotherModel" ]

OR you can run the following CLI to generate the model.

$ rails generate changeful:models:rails_admin

This will generate changeful_content.rb in app/model with the default configuration for rails admin.

Note: The default configuration for text editor assumes you are using the ckeditor gem, replace the editor accordingly.

In the case where default configuration is not needed, run the following CLI.

$ rails generate changeful:model

This will generate a fresh changeful_content.rb in app/model

Additional Configuration for Rails Admin

You may wish to deactivate create to prevent users from creating records in changeful content.

destroy is optional, if the admin delete the record, the default option will be trigger and re-create the content accordingly.

# config/initializers/rails_admin.rb

config.actions do
  dashboard                     # mandatory
  index                         # mandatory
  new do
    except ['ChangefulContent']
  delete do
    except ['ChangefulContent']


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Changeful is Copyright © 2015 Futureworkz Pte Ltd. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.

About Futureworkz

Futureworkz - Ruby on Rails development

Changeful is maintained by Futureworkz .