
This is a remote client library for the Chawk time series storage engine. It also includes a command-line client, chawk_remote


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'chawk_remote'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install chawk_remote


Shortened response commands chawk_remote -h http://localhost:3000 -n 1 -x client_api_id -a api_key clear "prepared_at"=>"2014-03-24T08:39:48-04:00", "key_expires"=>"2014-04-06T00:43:09.102Z"

Standard response commands chawk_remote -h http://localhost:3000 -n 1 -x client_api_id -a api_key add 1,2,3 chawk_remote -h http://localhost:3000 -n 1 -x client_api_id -a api_key increment 10 chawk_remote -h http://localhost:3000 -n 1 -x client_api_id -a api_key decrement 10


Full response commands chawk_remote -h http://localhost:3000 -n 1 -x client_api_id -a api_key last

        {"v"=>1, "t"=>1395664893.472671, "m"=>{"source"=>"chawk_remote/chawkolate_api_v_0.2.0"}, "i"=>1}, 
        {"v"=>2, "t"=>1395664893.472671, "m"=>{"source"=>"chawk_remote/chawkolate_api_v_0.2.0"}, "i"=>2}, 
        {"v"=>3, "t"=>1395664893.472671, "m"=>{"source"=>"chawk_remote/chawkolate_api_v_0.2.0"}, "i"=>3}], 


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request