Chef Provisioning
Driver build status:
AWS | Azure | Docker | Fog | ssh | Vagrant |
This library solves the problem of repeatably creating machines and infrastructures in Chef. It has a plugin model that lets you write bootstrappers for your favorite infrastructures, including VirtualBox, EC2, LXC, bare metal, and many more!
These are the primary documents to help learn about using Provisioning and creating Provisioning drivers:
This video explains the basics of chef-provisioning (though provisioners are now called drivers). Slides (more up to date) are here.
Date | Blog |
2014-12-15 | Using Chef Provisioning to Build Chef Server |
2014-11-12 | Chef Launches Policy-Based Provisioning |
2014-11-12 | Chef Provisioning: Infrastructure As Code |
2014-06-03 | machine_batch and parallelization |
2014-06-03 | Chef Provisioning, Configuration and Drivers |
2014-03-04 | Chef Metal 0.2: Overview - this is a pretty good overview (though dated). |
2013-12-20 | Chef Metal Alpha |
Try It Out
You can try out Chef Provisioning in many different flavors.
To give it a spin, install Vagrant and VirtualBox and try this from the chef-provisioning/docs/examples
gem install chef-provisioning chef-provisioning-vagrant
export CHEF_DRIVER=vagrant
chef-client -z vagrant_linux.rb simple.rb
This will create two vagrant precise64 linux boxes, "mario" and "luigi1", in ~/machinetest
, bootstrapped to an empty runlist. For Windows, you can replace myapp::linux
with myapp::windows
, but you'll need your own Windows vagrant box to do that (licensing!).
If you have an AWS account, you can spin up a machine there like this:
gem install chef-provisioning chef-provisioning-aws
export CHEF_DRIVER=aws
chef-client -z simple.rb
This will create two linux boxes in the AWS account referenced by your default profile in ~/.aws/config
(or your environment variables).
If you are on DigitalOcean and using the tugboat
gem, you can do this:
gem install chef-provisioning chef-provisioning-fog
export CHEF_DRIVER=fog:DigitalOcean
chef-client -z simple.rb
If you aren't using the tugboat
gem, you can put driver
and driver_options
into your .chef/knife.rb
This will use your tugboat settings to create whatever sort of instance you normally create.
Cleaning up
When you are done with the examples, run this to clean up:
chef-client -z destroy_all.rb
What Is Chef Provisioning?
Chef Provisioning has two major abstractions: the machine resource, and drivers.
The machine
You declare what your machines do (recipes, tags, etc.) with the machine
resource, the fundamental unit of Chef Provisioning. You will typically declare machine
resources in a separate, OS/provisioning-independent file that declares the topology of your app--your machines and the recipes that will run on them.
The machine resources from the cluster.rb example are pretty straightforward. Here's a copy/paste:
# Database!
machine 'mario' do
recipe 'postgresql'
recipe 'mydb'
tag 'mydb_master'
num_webservers = 1
# Web servers!
1.upto(num_webservers) do |i|
machine "luigi#{i}" do
recipe 'apache'
recipe 'mywebapp'
You will notice the dynamic nature of the number of web servers. It's all code, your imagination is the limit :)
Drivers handle the real work of getting those abstract definitions into real, physical form. They handle the following tasks, idempotently (you can run the resource again and again and it will only create the machine once--though it may notice things are wrong and fix them!):
- Acquiring machines from the cloud, creating containers or VMs, or grabbing bare metal
- Connecting to those machines via ssh, winrm, or other transports
- Bootstrapping chef onto the machines and converging the recipes you suggested
The driver API is separated out so that new drivers can be made with minimal effort (without having to rewrite ssh, tunneling, bootstrapping, and OS support). But to the user, they appear as a single thing, so that the machine acquisition can use its smarts to autodetect the other bits (transports, OS's, etc.).
Drivers save their data in the Chef node itself, so that they will be accessible to everyone who is using the Chef server to manage the nodes.
Drivers each have their own repository. Current drivers:
Bare Metal:
- OpenCrowbar OpenCrowbar controls your real metal. It discovers, inventories, configs RAID & BIOS and networks, and installs your OS. OpenCrowbar website OpenCrowbar github
- SSH (no PXE) (not yet up to date with 0.11)
Seeking Maintainers: These repositories are not actively maintained and are seeking maintainers.
Machine options
You can pass machine options that will be used by machine
, machine_batch
and machine_image
configure the machine:
convergence_options: {
chef_version: "12.4.1",
prerelease: "false",
chef_client_timeout: 120*60, # Default: 2 hours
chef_config: "log_level :debug\\n", # String containing additional text to inject into client.rb
chef_server: "http://my.chef.server/", # TODO could conflict with
bootstrap_proxy: "http://localhost:1234",
bootstrap_no_proxy: "localhost, *, my.chef.server",
ssl_verify_mode: :verify_peer,
client_rb_path: "/etc/chef/client.rb", # <- DEFAULT, overwrite if necessary
client_pem_path: "/etc/chef/client.pem", # <- DEFAULT, overwrite if necessary
allow_overwrite_keys: false, # If there is an existing client.pem this needs to be true to overwrite it
private_key_options: {}, # TODO ????? Something to do with creating node object
source_key: "", # ?????
source_key_pass_phrase: "", # ?????
source_key_path: "", # ?????
public_key_path: "", # ?????
public_key_format: "", # ?????
admin: "", # ?????
validator: "", # ?????
ohai_hints: { :ec2 => { :key => :value } }, # Map from hint file name to file contents, this would create /etc/chef/ohai/hints/ec2.json,
ignore_failure: [1, 5..10, SomeSpecificError], # If true don't let a convergence failure on provisioned machine stop the provisioning workstation converge. Can also provide a single exit code to ignore (no array) or `true` to ignore all RuntimeErrors
# The following are only available for Linux machines
install_sh_url: "", # <- DEFAULT, overwrite if necessary
install_sh_path: "/tmp/", # <- DEFAULT, overwrite if necessary
install_sh_arguments: "-P chef-dk", # Additional commands to pass to
# The following are only available for Windows machines
install_msi_url: "foo://"
ssh_username: "ubuntu", # Username to use for ssh and WinRM
ssh_gateway: "user@gateway", # SSH gateway configuration
ssh_options: { # a list of options to Net::SSH.start
:auth_methods => [ 'publickey' ], # DEFAULT
:keys_only => true, # DEFAULT
:host_key_alias => "#{}.AWS", # DEFAULT
:key_data => nil, # use key from ssh-agent instead of a local file; remember to ssh-add your keys!
:forward_agent => true, # you may want your ssh-agent to be available on your provisioned machines
:remote_forwards => [
# Give remote host access to squid proxy on provisioning node
{:remote_port => 3128, :local_host => 'localhost', :local_port => 3128,},
# Give remote host access to private git server
{:remote_port => 2222, :local_host => '', :local_port => 22,},
# You can send net-ssh log info to the Chef::Log if you are having
# trouble with ssh.
:logger => Chef::Log,
# If you use :logger => Chef::Log and :verbose then your :verbose setting
# will override the global Chef::Config. Probably don't want to do this:
#:verbose => :warn,
This options hash can be supplied to either with_machine_options
or directly into the machine_options
Individual drivers will often add their own driver specific config. For example, AWS expects a :bootstrap_options
hash at the same level as :convergence_options
Anatomy of a Recipe
chef-zero comes with a provisioner for Vagrant, an abstraction that covers VirtualBox, VMWare and other Virtual Machine drivers. In docs/examples, you can run this to try it:
export CHEF_DRIVER=vagrant
chef-client -z vagrant_linux.rb simple.rb
To use with VMWare, simply update the prior example to read export VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER=vmware_fusion
This is a chef-client run, which runs multiple recipes. Chef Provisioning is nothing but resources you put in recipes.
The driver is specified on the command line. Drivers are URLs. You could use vagrant:~/vms
or `fog:AWS:default:us-east-1' as driver URLs. More information here.
The vagrant_linux.rb
recipe handles the physical specification of the machines and Vagrant box:
require 'chef/provisioning/vagrant_driver'
vagrant_box 'precise64' do
url ''
:vagrant_options => {
'' => 'precise64'
require 'chef/provisioning/vagrant_driver'
is how we bring in the vagrant_box
makes sure a particular vagrant box exists, and lets you specify machine_options
for things like port forwarding, OS definitions, and any other vagrant-isms.
Typically, you declare these in separate files from your machine resources. Chef Provisioning picks up the drivers and machine_options you have declared, and uses them to instantiate the machines you request. The actual machine definitions, in this case, are in simple.rb
, and are generic--you could use them against Azure or EC2 as well:
machine 'mario' do
tag 'itsame'
Other directives, like recipe 'apache'
, help you set run lists and other information about the machine.
Pointing Boxes at Chef Servers
By default, Chef Provisioning will put your boxes on the same Chef server you started chef-client with (in the case of -z, that's a local chef-zero server). Sometimes you want to put your boxes on different servers. There are a couple of ways to do that:
with_chef_local_server :chef_repo_path => '~/repo'
is a generic directive that creates a chef-zero server pointed at the given repository. nodes, clients, data bags, and all data will be stored here on your provisioner machine if you do this.
You can use with_chef_server
instead if you want to point at OSS, Hosted or Enterprise Chef, and if you don't specify a Chef server at all, it will use the one you are running chef-client against. Keep in mind when using with_chef_server
and running chef-client -z
on your workstation that you will also need to set the client name and signing key for the chef server. If you've already got knife.rb set up, then something like this in the provisioning recipe will correctly create a client for the chef server on instance using your knife.rb configuration:
with_chef_server "",
:client_name => Chef::Config[:node_name],
:signing_key_filename => Chef::Config[:client_key]
Finally, you can specify a Chef Server for an individual machine by using the chef_server
attribute. This attribute takes the same additional options (:client_name
, :signing_key_filename
) that with_chef_server
machine 'mario' do
chef_server :chef_server_url => ""
Chef Provisioning also works with Test Kitchen, allowing you to test entire clusters, not just machines! The repository for the kitchen-metal gem is
Fixing conflict with chef-zero 3.2.1 and ~> 4.0
If you run into the error Unable to activate cheffish-1.0.0, because chef-zero-3.2.1 conflicts with chef-zero (~> 4.0)
you'll need to update the version of the chef gem included in the ChefDK. Follow the instructions @ and update chef to ~>12.2.1
Bugs and The Plan
Please submit bugs, gripes and feature requests at, contact John Keiser on Twitter at @jkeiser2, email at
To contribute, just make a PR in the appropriate repo--also, make sure you've signed the Chef Contributor License Agreement (through your Chef Supermarket profile), since this is going into core Chef eventually. If you already signed this for a Chef contribution, you don't need to do so again--if you're not sure, you can check for your name here or if you signed up long ago check the old list!