A tool that attempts to write unit and integration tests for Chef cookbooks and policies, making it easier to do the right thing and test code.
How does it Work?
loads up one or more cookbooks in a chef-zero
instance, executes the
compile phase of a chef-client
run, and reads the run context to get a list
of the resources that will be managed.
NOTE: umami
does not perform convergence.
Unit Tests
With the set of resources enumerated, umami
will write out a set of ChefSpec
unit tests for the cookbook in which it's running. It determines the tests to
write by matching the current directory to resources derived from that cookbook.
Integration Tests
Using either Serverspec or Inspec (coming soon), umami
writes integration
tests for all the resources it has found.
Spec Files
All test files are written to spec/umami/
. If my cookbook is named wutang
and I have the following recipes:
├── recipes/
│ ├── bonds.rb
│ ├── default.rb
│ ├── financial.rb
│ └── stocks.rb
will write tests as follows:
├── spec/
│ └── umami/
│ ├── integration/
│ │ ├── wutang_bonds_spec.rb
│ │ ├── wutang_default_spec.rb
│ │ ├── wutang_financial_spec.rb
│ │ └── wutang_stocks_spec.rb
│ └── unit/
│ └── recipes/
│ ├── bonds_spec.rb
│ ├── default_spec.rb
│ ├── financial_spec.rb
│ └── stocks_spec.rb
How do I get it?
Install chef-umami
from your favorite gem
source via:
chef exec gem install chef-umami
How do I use it?
From the top level of your cookbook, run umami
chef exec umami
When it is finished, it will display the paths to the test files it has written:
Generating a set of unit tests...
Running Rubocop over 'spec/umami/unit/recipes' to enforce styling...
Wrote the following unit test files:
Generating a set of integration tests...
Running Rubocop over 'spec/umami/integration' to enforce styling...
Wrote the following integration tests:
Running Unit Tests
Running one or more unit tests should be as easy as calling rspec
on a given
test file, like so:
chef exec rspec spec/umami/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb
Running Integration Tests
It's preferred to use kitchen verify
to execute all integration tests.
Teach kitchen
to run umami
's tests by updating .kitchen.yml
. Specify
the appropriate verifier
should mostly support Serverspec tests)
and, if needed, direct kitchen
where the tests are located:
name: inspec
- name: default
policyfile: Policyfile.rb
- path: spec/umami/integration
OS Detection
ChefSpec may need to mock up ohai data (via Fauxhai). To facilitate this,
ChefSpec needs to be told what operating system to pretend to be. umami
does its best to detect the OS it's being called on.
calls on Rubocop to perform some basic styling on test files after
they've been written. This makes it very easy to add testing methods to umami
without worrying about what the resulting indentation will be.
Dependencies and Assumptions
depends on ChefDK to do the bulk of the work resolving cookbooks and
their dependencies. Further, umami
assumes you're using Policyfile to manage
your nodes' run list.
is still in early and rapid development. Expect to see lots of activity.
is not aware of any context. For example, if a recipe includes another
recipe based on some condition (i.e. operating system), umami
won't know about
it and therefore won't write a relevant test. umami
knows about the resources
it finds during the compile phase of a chef-client
run only. One can choose
to use one, many, all, or none of the tests. It's up to you to decide what, if
anything, you want to use.
's goal is to help get you started writing and using tests in your
development cycle. It tries its best to provide a useful set of tests that you
can build on.
Inspiration and Thanks
This project came to be largely out of fear of having to write a lot of test code from scratch where none had previously existed. The idea of starting from nothing seemed so daunting that it's likely no on would ever get started. I wanted to give Chef developers a means to expedite writing tests. After all, it's much easier to modify code than it is to write it in the first place.
is the product of reearch into various projects' code, such as
Chef, ChefDK, and Test Kitchen. I am grateful to everyone that has contributed
to those projects. umami
borrows some patterns from those projects and, in
some cases, bits of code.