Module: MCollective::Connector

Defined in:


Connector plugins handle the communications with the middleware, you can provide your own to speak to something other than Stomp, your plugins must inherit from MCollective::Connector::Base and should provide the following methods:

connect - Creates a connection to the middleware, no arguments should get its parameters from the config receive - Receive data from the middleware, should act like a blocking call only returning if/when data

was received.  It should get data from all subscribed channels/topics.  Individual messages
should be returned as MCollective::Request objects with the payload provided

publish - Takes a target and msg, should send the message to the supplied target topic or destination subscribe - Adds a subscription to a specific message source unsubscribe - Removes a subscription to a specific message source disconnect - Disconnects from the middleware

These methods are all that’s needed for a new connector protocol and should hopefully be simple enough to not have tied us to Stomp.

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: Base, Nats