
1.0.4: 2014-02-17

  • Removed a needless optimization.

1.0.3: 2014-02-17

  • Added ChupaText::EncryptedError.
  • Added ChupaText::InvalidDataError.
  • Added ChupaText::Attributes.
  • ChupaText::Data#attributes returns ChupaText::Attributes instead of Hash.

1.0.2: 2014-02-15

  • Added ChupaText::SizeParser.
  • Added ChupaText::DefaultLogger.
  • chupa-text: Added --log-output option.
  • chupa-text: Added --log-level option.
  • Added ChupaText::ExternalCommand.
  • Added MIME types for office files.

1.0.1: 2014-01-05

  • chupa-text: Supported loading decomposers installed by RubyGems.
  • chupa-text: Added --disable-gems option that disable loading decomposers installed by RubyGems.
  • chupa-text: Added -I option to use decomposers that are not installed by RubyGems.
  • Added ChupaText::Data#text_plain?.
  • configuration: Changed mime_types from mime_type because they processes about a set of MIME types.
  • configuration: Added PDF to the default MIME type mappings.

1.0.0: 2014-01-05

The first release!!!