Using the logger
Plugins can use the logging facility for logging their own messages,
either by using the logging related helper methods (#debug, #info, and
so on) or by directly interfacing with Cinch::LoggerList, which is
available via @bot.loggers
class MyPlugin
include Cinch::Plugin
match "foo"
def execute(m)
debug "Starting handler..."
info "Some more important information"
debug "Done."
Logger levels
Cinch uses a priority-based logging system, using the types :debug
, :info
, :warn
, :error
and :fatal
, each of them
displaying less information than the previous.
By default, the logging level to display is set to :debug
, which
will include all possible kinds of log events, including the rather
verbose debug output caused by plugins.
will hide debug output but still contain the raw IRC log and
from there on, the levels are rather self-explanatory.
Changing the level
The level can be changed for single loggers or all loggers at once, by either using Cinch::Logger#level= or Cinch::LoggerList#level= respectively.
bot = { }
bot.loggers <<"/tmp/log.log", "a"))
bot.loggers.level = :debug
bot.loggers.first.level = :info
This will set all loggers to the :debug
level (which actually is the
default already) and the first logger (which is the default STDOUT
logger) to :info
Log filtering
Sometimes it is undesirable to log a message unchanged. For example when identifying to the network, passwords might be sent in plain text. To prevent such information from appearing in logs, log filters can be employed.
Log filters take a log message as input and return a new message. This allows removing/masking out passwords or other undesired information. Additionally, messages can be dropped entirely by returning nil.
It is possible to use more than one filter, in which case they will be called in order, each acting on the previous filter’s output.
Filters can be installed by adding them to Cinch::LoggerList#filters.
An example (and very simple) password filter might look like this:
class PasswordFilter
def initialize(bot)
@bot = bot
def filter(, event)
.gsub(@bot.config.password, "*" * @bot.config.password.size)
This filter will replace the password in all log messages (except for
exceptions). It could further discriminate by looking at event
only modify outgoing IRC messages. It could also use the
Cinch::Message class to parse the message and only operate on the
actual message component, not channel names and similar. How fancy
your filtering needs to be depends on you.
Writing your own logger
This section will follow soon. For now just look at the code of already implemented loggers.