Clicksign Ruby Client

Fork of deprecated clicksign gem in Ruby. Works on documentation version 2.0: Envelope


With Bundler:

gem 'clicksign_ruby'


Setting up the client

You must provide a valid token in order to use the library.

The required token is provided by the Clicksign support team.

require 'clicksign'

Clicksign.configure do |config|
  config.token = ENV['CLICKSIGN_TOKEN']
  config.environment = 'production'

Create a envelope

You'll be able to make requests to the Clicksign API right after the initial setup. The first step would be createa a envelope that will contain the rest of the documents, signers and e.t.c.

For knowledge the permit parameters, visit here

envelope = Clicksign::Envelope.create({
  name: ''

This request will return a id, save this key for later use

@envelope_id = envelope["data"]["id"]

Adding document

To upload a new document into Clicksign envelope you can use the following snippet:

document ={
  filename: '',
  content_base64: "data:#{}\;base64,#{}"

Adding signers

To add a new signer into Clicksign envelope you can use the following snippet:

For knowledge the permit parameters, visit here

signer ={})


To works with webhooks i'm also recomendely to use a nexoos gem Provided me with everything I needed.

This gem also created for a necessit implement integration with clicksign, and i`ve found the deprecated documentation, forked it and works to my specifications.