A powerful CLI for CloudApp written in Ruby, formerly named cloudapp-cli that makes the complete CloudApp API available on command line.
Install it via:
gem install cloudapp-power-cli
cloudapp register us3r passw0rd
Configuration of persistent login data:
cloudapp login us3r passw0rd
(Note: If you tell it so e.g. via the above command or during cloudapp register
, the cli will save your login data to ‘~/.cloudapp-cli’ to prevent you from specifing it on every call.)
Use per-call login data (no login data will be written to disk at all):
cloudapp -u user:pwd command...
Other Operations:
cloudapp account # show your account details (-v shows even more)
cloudapp list # list first page of drops (5 per page)
cloudapp list -p 2 -n 10 # list second page of drops with 10 drops per page
cloudapp list -a # list all your drops (first 100 ^^)
cloudapp upload drumandbass.ogg # upload a file
cloudapp upload --private topsecret.pdf # upload a file as private
cloudapp bookmark heise # creates an alias
cloudapp bookmark # the url will be the alias' name
cloudapp download dZ69 # download a drop to current directory
cloudapp view dZ69 # view details of a drop (more details with -v)
cloudapp change username thenewname # changes e-mail and updates the local credentials, too
cloudapp change password thenewpwd # changes password and updates the local credentials, too
cloudapp change privacy private # change default security of _new_ drops to private (public is the other option)
cloudapp private dZ69 # change a drop to private
cloudapp rename dZ69 UserGuide.txt # rename a drop
cloudapp delete dZ69 # delete a drop
cloudapp recover dZ69 # recover a drop
cloudapp search Screenshot # list all items with "Screenshot" in name or redirect url (for bookmarks)
cloudapp search "^.*rb$" # since the term is effectively a regex you could do many magic for filtering
cloudapp gc-view GIFT1234 # view gift card details
cloudapp gc-redeem GIFT1234 # redeem a gift card
Note: If you want to specify arguments (e.g. item IDs or file names) with a leading dash, the Option Parser will claim about an unknown option - than you should insert an double-dash followed by a space in front of the argument with the leading dash.
To posativ for testing and bug reporting!