
A pre-compiler for CloudFormation YAML files, allowing modularization of large CloudFormation templates.

By breaking a large template into distinct modules, including allowing parts to be loaded from git submodules or even to be downloaded on the fly, very large CloudFormation configurations become manageable and useful.


This tool is based on the CloudFormation YAML syntax (as it is a bit more human friendly than the original JSON syntax) and extend it with a few more operation to allow for the modularization of templates. The following additional syntaxes are supported:

Including Additional Sub-templates

The CloudFormation pre-compiler introduces a new top-level element called Include.

This element specifies a list of additional template files to be loaded and merged into the current template file.

Loading is done using the same file resolution rules as the compile CLI command:

  • resolution is done relative to the directory of the current file
  • if the path specified is missing the .yaml extension and a valid file with the extension exist, it will be loaded instead.
  • if the path specified is a directory, the file cloud-formation.yaml will be loaded from that directory

The merged file must be a valid CloudFormation template - it should have at least a top-level Resources entry and can have any other top-level entry that a standard CloudFormation template can include (see below regarding the merging of parameters). The sub-template will be merged back to the top template without nesting - e.g. all resources specified in a sub-template are standard resources in the top-level Resources list.

As logical resource names as well as parameters are merged into a single name space, these can be referenced directly from any file. Unless as specified for parameter merging below, the names used can be directly addressed as done in a normal CloudFormation template.

Parameter merging

A sub-template may specify parameters just like a standard CloudFormation template, and as long as each parameter is specified uniquely (i.e. only once) in the entire set of sub-templates that are being loaded, then they are just merged into a flat list and all parameters can be used equally from all sub-templates.

If the same parameter name is mentioned in more than one file, then special merging rules take effect:

  1. If the same parameter is named in more than one file, and in all instances the default value is exactly the same, than the merging is done normally - we basically ignore the duplicate settings.
  2. If the same parameter is named in more than one file, and uses different default value, then the new parameter is renamed using a path-specific template (i.e. based on the path to the sub-template where the new copy was encountered) and any use of that parameter in the current sub-template is also renamed automatically, as if there is full scoping of the nested sub-template (though the mangled name is not very readable due to YAML restrictions on the available characters for names). Uses of the duplicate parameter in sub-templates other than the one where it was defined should use the mangled form if they mean the new parameter or the original form if they mean the original parameter


AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: "Example cloud formation template"
    Description: "The DNS domain name for the system"
    Type: String
    Description: "The AMI ID for the image to deploy"
    Type: String
    Default: ami-af4333cf

    Type: AWS::EC2::VPC
      EnableDnsSupport: true
      EnableDnsHostnames: true
    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
      VpcId: !Ref VPC 
      GroupDescription: example security group
        - { IpProtocol: icmp, CidrIp:, FromPort: -1, ToPort: -1 }
        - { IpProtocol: tcp, CidrIp:, FromPort: 22, ToPort: 22 }

 - network
 - servers/global
 - outputs.yaml

Logical resource merging

Logical resources are not mangled - if multiple resources with the same name are defined in multiple sub-templates, this is an error that would cause the tool to abort.

Loading user data files

When specifying a user-data block for a LaunchConfiguration resource, Instance resource, or a LaunchTemplate resource, the user-data can be loaded from an external YAML file (only YAML formatted user-data is currently supported, sorry) by specifying the UserData element as a map with the single field File that is set with the relative path to the user-data file. The user-data file is expected to be a cloud-init configuration file with the default extension .init (but there really aren't any filename requirements).

Alternatively, the field FileTemplate can be used under UserData to load an external cloud-init configuration file that includes variable place holders for the (CloudFormation intrinsic function Sub)[]. The FileTemplate mode supports all the features described above as well as it performs the parsing detailed below, except compression and S3 offloading - as doing so prevents CloudFormation from performing the substitution operation. As a result, if the resulting cloud-init file is larger than 16KB you should expect that the template will fail to create the stack.

User data file parsing

The reference file will be loaded and parsed as a ("Cloud Config data" file)[] with the special write_files and write_directories enhancement (see below). The result is then checked that it does not exceed the user-data size limitation. If the file is bigger than can fit in the AWS user-data block, it will first be compressed using gzip and if it is still too large, it will be uploaded to S3 and the user-data block will be set with a cloud-init download reference to the S3 object.

Enhanced write_files

The ("Cloud Config data" format supports deploying files)[] into the instance using the write_files module. This normally requires the file content to be embedded directly into the cloud-config YAML format. The cloudformation-tool supports specifying external files to be loaded, allowing deployed files to be managed externally to the cloud-config data (for example, if you enjoy using syntax aware editors to edit them, are binary, or just too large).

To use an external file in write_files instead of specifying the file content using the content field, use a file field to specify the relative path to the file to be loaded.


In the case that you want to deploy multiple files to the same directory, instead of listing each and every file as a write_files entries (which can get tedious after a while, even with the file extension), cftool offers another cloud-init extension as a category named write_directories.

The write_directories section is a list where each entry specifies a local directory that would be deployed (with all files it includes, recursively - so make sure it only includes files you want to deploy) to a target directory on the deployed server. For each entry specify a source attribute that points to a local directory relative to the location of the cloud-init file, and a target attribute set to an absolute URL to where to deploy the source directory.



    Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
      AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
      IamInstanceProfile: !Ref InstanceProfileForServer
      ImageId: !Ref AMI # read from parameters
      InstanceType: !Ref InstanceType # read from parameters
      KeyName: !Ref KeyName # read from parameters
        - Ref: SecurityGroupExample
        File: config.init 



 - path: /etc/default/my-app
   permissions: '0755'
   file: my-app.config

 - source: my-app-data
   target: /usr/share/my-app

Loading Lambda code

When specifying the Code property of a AWS::Lambda::Function resource, instead of specifying the S3 bucket and object key, either of the following fields may be used:

  • The field URL may be used to specify an HTTP URL from which the code is to be uploaded to AWS Lambda. The tool will download the code file from the specified URL, upload it to S3 and specify the correct S3 location for CloudFormation.
  • The field Path may be used to specify a local file or directory containing the code to be uploaded. If the path specifies a directory, it will be compressed and uploaded to S3 as a Zip file. If the path is a single file, it will be converted to a ZipFile, allowing implicit use of the CloudFormation cfn-response module and the AWS SDK, but the file is also subject to all ZipFile restrictions - such as limited to 4KB size.


    Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
      FunctionName: !Join [ "-", [ route53-update, !Ref SystemTag ] ]
      Runtime: java8
      Description: Update DNS with autoscaling servers
      MemorySize: 256
      Timeout: 60
        Variables: # set variables here, see lambda-route53-updates for documentation ...
      Role: !GetAtt [ LambdaExecutionRole, Arn ]

Nested Stacks Modules

The CloudFormation pre-compiler supports loading local templates as "nested stacks" using the CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::Stack resource type.

Instead of first pre-deploying a template to S3 to be used for a nested stack, use the Template property (instead of the TemplateURL property) to point to a local sub-template. The sub-template will be compiled separately and deployed automatically to an S3 bucket before deploying the compiled template to CloudFormation.

The monitor tool (also used during create operation) supports nested stacks by automatically detecting nested stack updates in the main stack's event stream and will start streaming the nested stack events - this allows the user to more easily locate problems with nested stacks.

Currently there's no automatic resolution of references between nested and parent stacks, so make sure to set up nested stack parameters for all resources that should be referenced from the parent stack.



AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: "CloudFormation template with nested stacks"
    Description: "The DNS domain name for the system"
    Type: String
    Description: "The AMI ID for the image to deploy"
    Type: String
    Default: ami-af4333cf

    Type: AWS::EC2::VPC
      EnableDnsSupport: true
      EnableDnsHostnames: true
    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
      VpcId: !Ref VPC 
      GroupDescription: example security group
        - { IpProtocol: icmp, CidrIp:, FromPort: -1, ToPort: -1 }
        - { IpProtocol: tcp, CidrIp:, FromPort: 22, ToPort: 22 }
    Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack
      Template: service.yaml
        DomainName: !Ref DomainName
        AMI: !Ref AMI
        VPC: !Ref VPC


AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: "Service nested stack"
    Description: "The DNS domain name for the system"
    Type: String
    Description: "The AMI ID for the image to deploy"
    Type: String
    Description: "The VPC into which to deploy the service"
    Type: String

    Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet
      AvailabilityZone: !Select [ 0, !GetAZs { Ref: "AWS::Region" } ]
      MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
    Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
      ImageId: !Ref AMI
      KeyName: "secret" 
        - AssociatePublicIpAddress: "true"
          DeviceIndex: "0"
          SubnetId: !Ref Subnet 


Some resource compilation may require uploading to S3, such as Lambda code or cloud-init setup files. In such cases, the tool will take precaution not to update the uploaded file (and thus cause a CloudFormation update) unless the content has changed. This is done by comparing the MD5 hash of the compiled object with the MD5 hash of the previously uploaded object, and re-uploading and updating CloudFormation only if a change in the actual content as been detected.


The CloudFormation Tool uses a "sub-command CLI syntax" (like GIT, for example).

Usage: cftool [options] <command> <command-options...>

The following commands are supported:

  • list - List names and status of existing CloudFormation stacks
  • parameters - List parameters defined in the specified CloudFormation template and their default values.
  • compile - Compile a CloudFormation template set (including all caching needed) and output the resulting valid CloudFormation template to the console.
  • create - Create or update a CloudFormation stack by compiling the specified template set and uploading it to CloudFormation. If no stack with the specified name exists, then a new stack will be created, otherwise the existing stack will be updated. After sending the template to CloudFormation, the tool will immediately start monitor mode until the operation has completed successfully or with an error. Parameters can be specified on the command line - like for the AWS CLI - or loaded from a file or URL.
  • monitor - Track and display ongoing events for the named stack.
  • status - Check if the names stack exists or not
  • delete - Delete the specified stack. After issuing the delete command, the tool will immediately start monitor mode until the operation has completed.
  • servers - List EC2 instances created and managed by this stack, per autoscaling group, including servers in nested stacks.
  • groups - list autoscaling groups managed by the stack, including groups in nested stacks.
  • recycle - recycle servers in an autoscaling group in a stack by scaling the group up and down.
  • scale - set the scale of an autoscaling group managed by a stack to a specific desired value.
  • invalidate - send an invalidation request to a CloudFront distribution managed by a stack.
  • output - retrieve output values from a stack.

Please see the specific help for each command by running cftool <command> --help for more details and specific options.

Region Selection

The AWS region to be used can be select by specifying top level option (i.e. before the command name) -r <region>, by providing the standard environment variable AWS_DEFAULT_REGION or it will default to us-west-1

Credentials Selection

The tool will use the standard AWS credentials selection process, except when you want to use AWS CLI configured credential profiles, you may select to use a profile other than "default" by specifying the top level option (i.e. before the command name) -p <profile>, by providing the standard environment variable AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE or by having a file called .awsprofile - whose content is the name of a valid AWS REGION - in a parent directory (at any level up to the root directory).

Library API

The cloudformatin tool can also be consumed as a library by other applications - for example an application that needs to perform high-level business-logic oriented operations for a specific application deployed in a stack, using the cloudformation tool abstraction of CloudFormation templates and stacks.

Usage as a library

To use the cloudformatin tool as a library, require cloud_formation_tool.

CloudFormation templates

The cloudformation pre-compiler can be used to manipulate pre-compiled templates.

To access the pre-compiler, initialize a CloudFormationTool::CloudFormation with the path to the local template resource (either a file or a directory that can be parsed by the pre-compiler).

The initial template resource will be loaded but will not be fully parsed - and included elements will not be read - until the compile method is called.

The following method calls are available on the CloudFormation instance:

compile(parameters = nil)

Pre-compiles the template, with the provided parameter Hash, if provided. Returns a Hash repsenting the compiled template.


Pre-compiles the template and returns a YAML rendering of the CloudFormation template, suitable for deploying to AWS CloudFormation.


Yields a tuple for each defined template parameter, that includes the parameter's name and its default value (if set, nil otherwise).

CloudFormation stacks

The cloudformation tool's abstraction of a CloudFormation stack can be used to manipulate stack resouces, such as autoscaling groups or instances in a stack context.

To access the stack API, initialize a CloudFormationTool::CloudFormation::Stack with the name of the stack. You can then access the following methods:


Check if a stack exists.

create(template, params = {})

Create or update a stack by deploying the specified template. The template can be any local file or directory resource that can be parsed by the cloudformation pre-compiler.


Deletes the stack


Return the AWS CloudFormation stack identifier for the stack, which is the ARN of the stack.


Returns the output values of the stack


Return a list of resources in the stack and all of its nested stacks


Return a list of autoscaling groups in the stack and all of its nested stacks. The returned values are AWS SDK CloudFormation resources, extended with a set of methods to help manage autoscaling groups:


Returns the AWS SDK Aws::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup object for the autoscaling group.


Return a list of CloudFront CDN distributions in the stack and all of its nested stacks. The returnd values are AWS SDK CloudFormation resources, extended with a set of methods to help manage CloudFront distributions:


Returns the AWS SDK Aws::CloudFront::Types::Distribution object for the CloudFront distribution.


Returns the comma delimited list of the distribution aliases domain names


Creates a new invalidation in the CloudFront distribution with the specified path expression


Yields CloudFormation stack events, in the order they were created. Subsequent calls to each will not repeat events previously yielded and will only yield additional events created since the last call to each.


Mark all events since the last call to each (or from stack creation, if each was not previously called) as "seen" so they will not be yielded in future calls to each.