
A library for turning code snippets into slides. Automatically turn your source code into syntax-highlighted PDFs and PNGs. Take the tedium out of building your presentation’s slide deck!


If you want to be able to automatically generate PNG files, you’ll need to have GhostScript installed (

Aside from that, installation is as easy as:

$ gem install code_slide

And you’re good to go!


Look in the examples directory for some demonstrations of CodeSlide. In brief, though, it works like this:

```ruby require ‘code_slide’

snippet =«-RUBY, lang: :ruby) 1.upto(100) do |n| print ‘Fizz’ if (n % 3).zero? print ‘Buzz’ if (n % 5).zero? puts if (n % 3).zero? || (n % 5).zero? end RUBY

snippet.make_pdf(‘snippet.pdf’) ```

You can also source your snippet from a file directly, even specifying which range of lines you want to use:

ruby snippet = CodeSlide::Snippet.from_file('fizz-buzz.rb', start: 5, finish: 15) snippet.make_pdf('snippet.pdf')

If you have a (TTF) font you want to use, you can specify the different faces in the family, and instruct CodeSlide to use them:

ruby snippet = CodeSlide::Snippet.from_file('fizz-buzz.rb', start: 5, finish: 15) snippet.use_font('myfont-regular.ttf', bold: 'myfont-bold.ttf', italic: 'myfont-italic.ttf', bold_italic: 'myfont-bold-italic.ttf') snippet.make_pdf('snippet.pdf')

You can choose between the “light” and “dark” themes (or make your own):

ruby snippet = CodeSlide::Snippet.from_file('fizz-buzz.rb', theme: :dark) snippet.make_pdf('dark-snippet.pdf')

And if you want to generate a PNG directly, you can do that too (though again, you need to have GhostScript installed):

ruby snippet.make_png('snippet.png')


This software is released under the terms of the MIT license. See the MIT-LICENSE for full details.


This software is written and distributed by Jamis Buck [email protected].