Module: Sequel::Postgres

Defined in:

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: Adapter, Database, Dataset

Constant Summary collapse


Hash with integer keys and proc values for converting PostgreSQL types.

  16 => lambda{ |s| s == 't' }, # boolean
  17 => lambda{ |s| }, # bytea
  20 => lambda{ |s| s.to_i }, # int8
  21 => lambda{ |s| s.to_i }, # int2
  22 => lambda{ |s| s.to_i }, # int2vector
  23 => lambda{ |s| s.to_i }, # int4
  26 => lambda{ |s| s.to_i }, # oid
  700 => lambda{ |s| s.to_f }, # float4
  701 => lambda{ |s| s.to_f }, # float8
  790 => lambda{ |s| s.to_d }, # money
  1082 => lambda{ |s| @use_iso_date_format ?*s.split("-").map{|x| x.to_i}) : s.to_date }, # date
  1083 => lambda{ |s| s.to_time }, # time without time zone
  1114 => lambda{ |s| s.to_sequel_time }, # timestamp without time zone
  1184 => lambda{ |s| s.to_sequel_time }, # timestamp with time zone
  1266 => lambda{ |s| s.to_time }, # time with time zone
  1700 => lambda{ |s| s.to_d }, # numeric