Collatz: Ruby 🔻💎🔻

Functions related to the Collatz/Syracuse/3N+1 problem, implemented in Ruby.

Getting Started

To install the latest from RubyGems;

gem install collatz

Or to install from GitHub's hosted gems;

gem install collatz --source ""

Add to the Gemfile

Add the RubyGems hosted gem;

gem "collatz", ">= 0.1.0

Add the GitHub hosted gem;

source "" do
  gem "collatz", ">= 0.1.0"


Provides the basic functionality to interact with the Collatz conjecture. The parameterisation uses the same (P,a,b) notation as Conway's generalisations. Besides the function and reverse function, there is also functionality to retrieve the hailstone sequence, the "stopping time"/"total stopping time", or tree-graph. The only restriction placed on parameters is that both P and a can't be 0.

RDoc generated docs


The first time setup

git clone && cd Collatz/ruby && make setup

Iterative development

The majority of make recipes for this are just wrapping a bundle invocation of rake.

  • make docs will recreate the RDoc docs
  • make test will run both the RSpec tests and the RuboCop linter.