Color decomposition

A quadtree color decomposition algorithm that uses the CIELAB color space and the CIEDE2000 color difference formula.

The generated quadtree structure contains the leaves that represent the highest node levels containing a visually similar color for a given area.


This gem requires an installation of ImageMagick version 6. Once this is done you can install the gem:

gem install color_decomposition


Generating the actual quadtree simply requires calling the quadtree method. This method takes 2 parameters. The first being the path to the image and the second being the color similarity level that the CIEDE2000 formula should use. The higher this value, the more color loss will be allowed. This will allow the creation of larger leaf nodes at the cost of color accuracy.

When comparing 2 colors, a CIEDE2000 value of <= 1 will generally mean that the difference between them will not be perceivable to the human eye.

require 'color_decomposition'

quadtree = ColorDecomposition.quadtree('ruby.png', 1)

This will return a quadtree object with a nested structure as shown below. Only leaf nodes will have the RGB and CIELAB color values set.

    @lab={:l=>0.0, :a=>0.0, :b=>0.0},
    @rect={:left=>0, :top=>0, :right=>32, :bottom=>32},
    @rgb={:r=>0, :g=>0, :b=>0}>,
    @lab={:l=>100.0, :a=>0.00526049995830391, :b=>-0.010408184525267927},
    @rect={:left=>32, :top=>0, :right=>64, :bottom=>32},
    @rgb={:r=>255, :g=>255, :b=>255}>,
    @lab={:l=>100.0, :a=>0.00526049995830391, :b=>-0.010408184525267927},
    @rect={:left=>0, :top=>32, :right=>32, :bottom=>64},
    @rgb={:r=>255, :g=>255, :b=>255}>,
    @lab={:l=>100.0, :a=>0.00526049995830391, :b=>-0.010408184525267927},
    @rect={:left=>32, :top=>32, :right=>64, :bottom=>64},
    @rgb={:r=>255, :g=>255, :b=>255}>],
 @rect={:left=>0, :top=>0, :right=>64, :bottom=>64},

The color conversions and CIEDE2000 calculation can also be used on their own.

require 'color_decomposition'

include ColorDecomposition

color1 = 255, g: 120, b: 60)
puts # {:x=>48.77208180663368, :y=>35.01918603060906, :z=>8.46377233268254}
puts color1.lab # {:l=>65.76360001472788, :a=>47.86642591164642, :b=>55.61626679147632}

color2 = 80, g: 49, b: 220)
puts Comparator.ciede2000(color1.lab, color2.lab) # 57.24131929494836
