What is it?
PP is a library from stdlib that allows to print objects with a nice formatting, using PrettyPrint from stdlib. It is quite easy to customize it.
AwesomePrint is a gem to print objects using fancy colors. The output is nice, but it's not as extensible as PP/PrettyPrint and it monkey patches several classes from core (e.g. Object#methods, String to add colors, …). It also won't use the pretty_print methods from classes that implement it.
ColorfulInspect is only changing the pretty_print method from several classes to add colored formatting.
gem install colorful_inspect
Just require it and use pp as usual:
require 'colorful_inspect'
Person = Struct.new :first_name, :last_name
pp [
1, 2, true, 3, false, 4, nil, Rational(3, 4), 10 ** 50, Complex(3, 2),
[], {},
:alpha => "foo",
:beta => "bar",
:delta => "baz",
[1, 3] => "some\nthing"
Date.new(2011, 10, 24),
String, Array, BasicObject, Enumerable,
Array.instance_method(:each), 3.method(:succ), "foo".method(:pp),
Person.new("John", "Smith"),
$stdout, $stdin,
LoadError.new("could not find a good message"),
And here's the output (without the colors):
[ 0] 1,
[ 1] 2,
[ 2] true,
[ 3] 3,
[ 4] false,
[ 5] 4,
[ 6] nil,
[ 7] (3/4) ≈ 0.75,
[ 8] 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,
[ 9] 3+2i,
[10] [],
[11] {},
[12] {
:alpha => "foo",
:beta => "bar",
:delta => "baz",
[0] 1,
[1] 3
] => "some\nthing"
[13] Mon Oct 24 00:00:00 2011,
[14] Fri Jun 10 01:43:18 2011,
[15] String < Object,
[16] Array < Object,
[17] BasicObject,
[18] Enumerable,
[19] Array#each() [unbound],
[20] Fixnum#succ(),
[21] Kernel#pp(*objs),
[22] (Person < Struct) {
:first_name => "John",
:last_name => "Smith"
[23] #<IO:<STDOUT>>,
[24] #<IO:<STDIN>>,
[25] LoadError < ScriptError: could not find a good message,
[26] #<PrettyPrint:0x1b1db58
#<Proc:0x00000001b1dab8@/usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/prettyprint.rb:82 (lambda)>,
[0] [
[0] #<PrettyPrint::Group:0x1b1da68
[0] #<PrettyPrint::Group:0x1b1da68
You can change the indentation as well as the used colors:
ColorfulInspect.indent = 4 # defaults to two
# pp ColorfulInspect.colors to see available colors :)
ColorfulInspect.colors[:nil] = :red
Colors can also be disabled and reactivated:
ColorfulInspect.colors = ColorfulInspect.default_colors