# Cornell University Brand - Compass Plugin

This plugin adds various Cornell branding to [Compass][].

## Install

gem install compass-cornell-plugin

## Adding the Cornell plugin to an existing project

Add the following to your ‘compass.rb`/`config.rb` config file:

# Require any additional compass plugins here. require ‘cornell’

Then make sure you have imported the variables library to your core ‘.sass` or `.scss` file with:

@import “cornell/variables”

Check out the [wiki] for variables, styles, and more information.

## Credits

Parker Moore][

created this plugin to aid in his development work for [CALS Office of Communications] in the Summer of 2012

Many thanks to [Chris Eppstein][] for creating Compass, and [Hampton Catlin][] for creating [Sass][].

Thanks are in order for [Nicolas Gallagher][] and [Jonathan Neal][] for creating [normalize.css][], which is used in this project.

And many thanks to Chris Eppstein again for creating ‘compass-960-plugin`, which made the creation of this plugin far easier.

## License

Licensed under the MIT License. See [LICENSE.mkdn][] for details.

[Compass]: compass-style.org/ [compass-cornell-wiki]: github.com/CALSCommunications/compass-cornell-plugin/wiki/_pages [LICENSE.mkdn]: github.com/CALSCommunications/compass-cornell-plugin/blob/master/LICENSE.mkdn [Chris Eppstein]: chriseppstein.github.com/ [Hampton Catlin]: hamptoncatlin.com/ [Sass]: sass-lang.com/ [Nicolas Gallagher]: nicolasgallagher.com/ [Jonathan Neal]: music.thewikies.com/jonneal/ [normalize.css]: necolas.github.com/normalize.css/ [calscomm]: cals.cornell.ed/ [Parker Moore]: www.parkermoore.de/