
Since it no longer just deals with yaml files as an input, blackrat_yaml_config has been renamed to config_files Configuration file manager.


Searches for first match in multiple directories for configuration file Allows for dynamically updated or static config files


require 'config_files'

class Dummy
  include ConfigFiles #mixin the config_directories and config_files generators

  #search directories (in order). The system will search for the file in the following directories
  config_directories :etc=>['~/.dummy','/opt/dummy/config','/etc/default/dummy','/etc']

  #The dummy.yml and another_yaml_file.yml will be pre-loaded.
  static_config_files :dummy, :another_yaml_file

  #yet_another_yaml_file.yml will be read every time the .yet_another_yaml_file method is accessed.
  dynamic_config_files :yet_another_yaml_file

  def use_config
    some_method(Dummy.dummy[:key]) #extract the constant values from the :key in dummy.yml
    another_method(Dummy.yet_another_yaml_file[:another_key]) #extract the constant value from the :another_key in yet_another_yaml_file.yml



Allow for different keys to be stored in files in different subdirectories to allow for overridable defaults