Contentful Middleman Pages

This gem bundles an extension to Middleman. The goal of this extension is to simplify the usage withing Middleman of data imported from Contentul (using the contentful_middleman gem).

The main release works for Middleman v3 - The most used version

If you want support for Middleman v4 - Please create an issue so we can discuss about it

Table of contents


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'contentful-middleman-pages'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Extension configuration

activate :contentful_pages do |extension|      = ''
  extension.prefix    = 'blog'
  extension.template  = 'random.html.erb'
  extension.permalink = 'my/nice/permalink/{title}.html'
Parameter Required Description
data true Concatenation of the space name and content type (same names used when configuring the contentful_middleman extension) that identifies the entries to be used
template true Path to the template used to render every entry
prefix false String that will be prepended to the value specified in template and permalink
permalink false Uri template to specify a custom destination path for the resulting pages. Can interpolate values available in the entries

Extension configuration: example

Consider the following configuration of the contentful_middleman gem. On this case we are assigning the name partners to the space and name partner to the content type.

activate :contentful do |f|         = {partners: '7ujlxwexazta'}
  f.access_token  = '437fcca0ac3ec11728782c51cc559c0dfd0d2c568b7da5345c67a1ce31de5a8f'
  f.cda_query     = { content_type: '1EVL9Bl48Euu28QEOa44ai', include: 1 }
  f.content_types = { partner: {mapper: PartnerMapper, id:'1EVL9Bl48Euu28QEOa44ai'}}

On the activation below we are fetching the entries stored under the key partners.partner. We will render each of the entries using the template source/random.html.erb.

activate :contentful_pages do |extension|      = 'partners.partner'
  extension.template  = 'random.html.erb'

On the activation below we are using the same entries. We have set the prefix to partners and so we will render each of the entries using the template source/partners/random/html.erb.

activate :contentful_pages do |extension|      = 'partners.partner'
  extension.prefix    = 'partners'
  extension.template  = 'random.html.erb'

On the activation below we are using the same entries. We have again set the prefix but this time we are using a custom permalink. Resulting pages will be available under partners/my/nice/permalink/xyz.html where xyz is the title of the entry used to render the page.

activate :contentful_pages do |extension|      = 'partners.partner'
  extension.prefix    = 'partners'
  extension.template  = 'random.html.erb'
  extension.permalink = 'my/nice/permalink/{title}.html'

Template locals

Inside every template you will have access to the followig set of local variables:

  • One local variable for each one of the properties stored for every entry in the local data.
  • Access to all the configured resources under the variable contentful.

Template locals: example

Consider the following Middleman configuration:

activate :contentful_pages do |extension|      = 'partners.partner'
  extension.template  = 'random.html.erb'

activate :contentful_pages do |extension|      = ''
  extension.template  = 'post.html.erb'

And that:

  • For every entry in data.partner the following properties are stored: id, name, location
  • For every entry in the following properties are stored: id, slug, author_name

So inside the source/random.html.erb template you will have access the partner properties as local variables:

<h1><%= name %></h1>

Partner location: <%= location %>

And inside of every template you will have access to and to You could write something like this:

  <% do |partner| %>
    <li> <%= %> , <%= partner.location %></li>

  <% do |post| %>
    <li> <%= post.slug %> , <%= post.author_name %></li>

Please note that all the elements in and are Middleman resources and so all its methods are available to use.


If you want to create a blog with Middleman you should use the officially supported extension middleman-blog. To use the middleman-blog extension with data imported from contentful you will have to start writing a configuration like this:

activate :blog do |blog|
  blog.prefix    = "blog"
  blog.sources   = "posts/:year-:month-:day-:title"

The relevant part of the previous snippet is the blog.source configuration parameter. This parameter is used by the middleman-blog extension to know which resources it has to use to create the blog. To make resources created with the contentful-middleman-pages available to the blog extension set the permalink of each of these resources to a value that matches the blog.sources expression. For example:

activate :contentful_pages do |extension|      = ''
  extension.prefix    = 'blog'
  extension.permalink = "posts/{year}-{month}-{day}-{slug}.html"
  extension.template  = 'post.html.erb'


Pagination is not built into this extension. Use middleman-pagination instead.