A Ruby interface to the Copy.ai Workflows API


Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile:

bundle add copy_ai

Or, to install directly:

gem install copy_ai


First, obtain credentials from https://docs.copy.ai/reference/authentication.

require "copy_ai"

copy_ai_credentials = {
  api_key:              "INSERT YOUR X API KEY HERE",
  api_endpoint:         "INSERT YOUR X API ENDPOINT HERE"

# Initialize a API client with your Workspace Api Key
copy_ai_client = CopyAi::Client.new(**copy_ai_credentials)

# Register webhook
# url: your site webhook URL
# event_type: https://docs.copy.ai/reference/register-webhook#event-types
# optional workflow_id: If a workflow ID is not specified, you will receive events for all workflows in your workspace.
response = CopyAi::Webook.register(copy_ai_client, url: 'https://cloud-asm.com/webhook', event_type: 'workflowRun.completed', workflow_id: <workflow-id>)
# {
    "status": "success",
    "data": {
      "id": "<id of webhook>",
      "url": "<https://mywebsite.com/webhook>",
      "eventType": "workflowRun.completed",
      "workflowId": "<workflow-id>"

# Starting a Workflow Run
post = copy_ai_client.post(body: {
  startVariables: {
      "Input 1": "<Inputs vary depending on the workflow used.>",
      "Input 2": "<The best way to see an example is to try it!>"
    "metadata": {
    "api": true
# { "status": "success", "data": { "id": "<run-id>" } }

# Tracking / Poll for Progress
# {
    "status": "success",
      "id": "<run-id>",
        "Input 1": "Inputs vary depending on the workflow used.",
        "Input 2": "The best way to see an example is to try it!" 
      "status": "PROCESSING",
        "Output 1": "<Outputs vary depending on the workflow used.>",
        "Output 2": "<The best way to see an example is to try it!>"
      "createdAt": "2022-11-18T20:30:07.434Z"

# Run Completion
# When the run is complete, the status will change to COMPLETE and a POST request will be sent to the registered webhooks to notify of the workflow's completion.
# {
    "type": "workflowRun.completed",
    "workflowRunId": "<run-id>",
    "workflowId": "<workflow-id>",
      "Output 1": "<Outputs vary depending on the workflow used.>",
      "Output 2": "<The best way to see an example is to try it!>"
      /* any metadata set on the workflow run */
    "credits": 2 


  1. Checkout and repo:

    git checkout git@github.com:wwwfernand/copy_ai.git

  2. Enter the repo's directory:

    cd copy_ai

  3. Install dependencies via Bundler:

    bundle install

  4. Run the default Rake task to ensure all tests pass:

    bundle exec rake

  5. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix:

    git checkout -b my-new-branch


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/wwwfernand/copy_ai.

Pull requests will only be accepted if they meet all the following criteria:

  1. Code must conform to Standard Ruby.

    bundle exec rake standard

  2. Code must conform to the RuboCop rules.

    bundle exec rake rubocop

  3. 100% LOC code coverage.

    bundle exec rake test

  4. 100% mutation coverage.

    bundle exec rake mutant

  5. RBS type signatures (in sig/copy_ai.rbs).

    bundle exec rake steep


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.