Class: Country

ISO3166::Country show all
Defined in:


Some apps might not want to constantly call ISO3166::Country. This gem has a helper that can provide a Country class

With global Country Helper enabled

c = Country['US']

This will conflict with any existing Country constant

To Use

gem 'countries', require: 'countries/global'

Constant Summary

Constants included from ISO3166::CountryFinderMethods

ISO3166::CountryFinderMethods::FIND_BY_REGEX, ISO3166::CountryFinderMethods::SEARCH_TERM_FILTER_REGEX

Constants included from ISO3166::Emoji


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from ISO3166::Country


Method Summary

Methods inherited from ISO3166::Country

#<=>, #==, #common_name, demongoize, #eql?, evolve, #hash, #humanized_subdivision_types, #in_eea?, #in_esm?, #in_eu?, #initialize, #local_name, #local_names, mongoize, #mongoize, #states, #subdivision_names, #subdivision_names_with_codes, #subdivision_types, #subdivisions, #subdivisions?, #subdivisions_of_types, #to_s, #translated_names, #translation, #valid?

Methods included from ISO3166::CountryClassMethods

#all, #all_names_with_codes, #all_translated, #codes, #new, #pluck, #translations

Methods included from ISO3166::CountryFinderMethods

#[], #find_all_by, #method_missing, #respond_to_missing?, #search

Methods included from ISO3166::TimezoneExtensions


Methods included from ISO3166::Emoji


Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from ISO3166::Country