Gem Version MIT License


CrAPI is yet another Crud API client wrapper. Yes, there is no shortage of these out there, but no other API wrapper gem (that I could find) provided the kind of functionality you get from the CrAPI::Proxy class, which is really the biggest benefit here.

CrAPI::Client will connect to the target system and handily provides a base path for you (because some APIs and services have a path that is always part of every request), CrAPI::Proxy lets you add to the root client's base path or default set of headers without having to create any new connections.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'crapi'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install crapi

Using The CrAPI Tools

Client Usage

# Connect to an API.

api ='')

# Issue requests against the API.

api.get('users/1')  # GETs /users/1; returns a Hash.

api.get('posts', query: { userId: 2 })  # GETs /posts?userId=2; returns an Array.

mew_comment = { user: 'megapwner', text: 'FRIST!!1!' }'comments', payload: new_comment)  # POSTs to /comments; returns a Hash.

Proxy Usage

# Connect to an API.

api ='')

# Back in the v1 days, versioning of this API was via the URL ...

v1 = api.new_proxy('/v1')

v1.get('data')  # GETs /api/v1/data; pretty straight-forward.'data', payload: values)  # POSTs *values* to /api/v1/data.

# For API v2, they switched to an Accept header approach ...

v2 = api.new_proxy('/', headers: { Accept: 'application/vnd.fake-api.v2+json' })

v2.get('data')  # GETs /api/data with the v2 header.

# API v3 keeps the Accept header approach ...

v3 = api.new_proxy('/', headers: { Accept: 'application/vnd.fake-api.v3+json' })

v3.get('data')  # GETs /api/data with the v3 header.

# Note that only one connection to the client is made and you can easily make
# v1, v2, and v3 API calls ad hoc without having to juggle paths/headers yourself.

Consult the repo docs for the full CrAPI documentation.

Feature Roadmap / Future Development

Additional features/options coming in the future:

  • Cleaner handling of non-body-returning calls.
  • More resilient serializing of non-String paylods when using custom Content-Type headers.

Contribution / Development

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome at:

After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rspec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

Linting is courtesy of Rubocop (bundle exec rubocop) and documentation is built using Yard (bundle exec yard). Please ensure you have a clean bill of health from Rubocop and that any new features and/or changes to behaviour are reflected in the documentation before submitting a pull request.


CrAPI is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.