

CrazyDoll is a simple IRC bot that aim flexibility. With CrazyDoll you can:

  • Use a different backend for config like MySQL, PostgreSQL, FireBird or any other ruby supported backend(currently only using YAML)
  • Run multiple bots on same ruby process.
  • Bots do not share the plugins. You can can have join and nick plugin to Bot A and nick and search plugin to Bot B
  • Use a different IRC library
  • More coming soon...

How I install?

Only run gem install crazydoll

How I use it?

Given that the path of bin folder is in your $PATH variable, only run crazy_doll In first time it will run a wizard to add basic info If you want to re-run this wizard, only delete ~/.crazy_doll/database.yaml


This project is licensed under MIT license. See MIT-LICENSE file for more details.