Module: CreateGithubRelease::CommandLine::Validations Private

Defined in:


This module is part of a private API. You should avoid using this module if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Module containing all option validations

All validation classes must inherit from CreateGithubRelease::Validations::Base and implement the #valid? and #error methods.

All validation classes must be named Validate* and must be defined in the CreateGithubRelease::Validations namespace. Classes that follow this convention are automatically run by CreateGithubRelease::CommandLine::OptionsValidator.

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: Base, ValidateChangelogPath, ValidateDefaultBranch, ValidateLastReleaseVersion, ValidateNextReleaseVersion, ValidateOnlyQuietOrVerbose, ValidatePreFlag, ValidatePreType, ValidateQuiet, ValidateReleaseBranch, ValidateReleaseType, ValidateReleaseTypeGiven, ValidateRemote, ValidateVerbose