Module: CurationConcerns::Forms
- Defined in:
- app/forms/curation_concerns/forms.rb,
This will be the module for containing forms Forms are a type of data structures that include validation that leverage hydra editor capabilities. Their purpose is to allow users to edit and save objects based on models. The impetus for their creation was to remove validation from models, and perhaps demultiplex fields from one form to multiple objects. A form must define the model it uses and attributes it manipulates. It may include default values and define required required fields. They are ruby objects that are typically instantiated by the controller to facilitate user creation, editing, or deleting of an object. They can also be used to sanitize attributes passed along to actors, as they are in curation concerns.
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: CollectionEditForm, FileManagerForm, FileSetEditForm, WorkForm, WorkflowActionForm, WorkflowResponsibilityForm