
Simple DSL for invoking curl commands. Includes a script generator - curl-spawn-generate - and an interactive shell - curl-spawn-irb.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'curl-spawn'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install curl-spawn


Ruby API

curl-spawn-irb will show a short API example at startup. At the time of this writing, it looks like this:

[jared:~/projects/curl-spawn] curl-spawn-irb
Welcome to curl-spawn-irb!

This is an interactive ruby shell with curl-spawn loaded.
Here, you can spawn curl processes with a convenient ruby DSL.


  # - The block is executed in the context of a Curl::Spawn::ArgsBuilder, which
  #   provides a DSL for describing curl commands.
  # - Any parameters to `Curl.spawn` are merged with the arguments derived
  #   from the DSL block, then passed through to `Kernel.spawn` when invoking curl.
  #   (Arguments derived from the block are preferred in case of conflicts.)
  #   + You can use this to set positional arguments, redirect stdin/stdout/stderr,
  #     and a few other things. (Note: the env hash argument to `Kernel.spawn` is
  #     not supported through this api.)

  pid = Curl.spawn('--progress-bar', out: $stdout, err: $stderr) {
    https                   # Use https. Same as `scheme 'https'`. (default: http)
    ssl_no_verify           # Don't verify ssl certs. (Primarily for development)

    user $opt[:user] if $opt[:user]         # Set the username to use in basic auth
    password 'abcd1234'     # Set the password to use for basic auth

    verb :post              # Set the http method/verb (default: 'GET')
    host 'localhost'        # Specify host (default: 'localhost')
    port 8000               # On port 8000 (default: 80)
    path '/'                # The path segment of the url (default: '/')

    query :param => Curl.url_encode('value') # Set query params (alias: queries)
    header :Accept => 'application/json'     # Set headers (alias: headers)

    content $stdin          # IO object or string to use as the request content.
                            # Note that this option overwrite the `:in` option
                            # from the positional arguments to this method.

    # For debugging, you can print out the generated Curl::Spawn::Args object
    $stderr.puts build!.inspect
[1] pry(main)>

Shell Scripts

The main reason for writing this gem was to ease the task of writing small shell scripts whose main function is using curl to hit a REST endpoint. So the curl-spawn-generate command is provided, which generates just such a script.

curl-spawn-generate >example.rb


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.