
This is a simple gem composed of simple classes using the Mechanize parser to fetch currency rates from various websites. It’s main purpose was to collect the data for a small bank loan comparison site. I’ve decided to publish this as a standalone gem in case anybody wishes to fetch some rates in their application. My classes deal mainly with Polish websites. Feel free to write more or request a source.


The gem uses Mechanize to parse sites. I recommend using bundler to easily install any dependencies. Please consult the gemspec for a list of dependencies (including test and development environment).


The plugin can be installed from rubygems:

sudo gem install currency_spy

To install the dependencies:


You can also clone my GitHub repository (git:// and build the gem yourself and / or hack on it.


The usage is really simple. To fetch rates from given source just instantiate
a class which represents that source and call fetch_rates on it:
   nbp =
   rates = nbp.fetch_rates
   => {:buy_rate=>3.8482, :sell_rate=>3.926, :rate_time=>#<DateTime:2011-01-07T00:00:00+00:00 (4911137/2,0/1,2299161)>}


Feel free to contact me at [email protected]. My website:

Copyright © 2011 Lukasz Badura. Released under the MIT license.