Cxf Ruby SDK

This is a library to connect apps built on ruby to Cxf.Cloud


Add gem to the Gemfile

gem 'cxf'


Add the following configuration to the controller and include MintClients and UserAuthHelper (if you log in with a contact, you can use ContactAuthHelper) NOTE: Proxy automatically renew the token, so you don't need to worry about it

if you haven't run the generator yet, you can use after_action to update the token

require 'cxf'

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include CxfClients
  include UserAuthHelper # if you log in with a user
  include ContactAuthHelper # if you log in with a contact

  after_action :update_user_tokens # if you haven't run the generator yet and you log in with a user
  after_action :update_contact_tokens # if you haven't run the generator yet and you log in with a contact


Using Cxf Public API

cxf_pub =, api_key)

Using Cxf Contact API

(email, password)

Using Cxf User API

(email, password)

Using Cxf User API by Service account

# Usually the api_key and the session token are the same, you can go to the service accounts section
# from your Cxf instance and generate your service account api key  
 =, api_key, api_key)

Generate cxf files

This command will generate the cxf_config.yml.erb file, API controlles and routes to have available the cxf endpoints

rails generate cxf_files

Contact tracking usage

Your app controller needs to be inherited from Cxf::BaseController

# application_controller.rb

class ApplicationController < Cxf::BaseController

This heritance will make the following class variables available:

Variable Description
@host Host defined in cxf_config.yml.erb file
@api_key API key defined in cxf_config.yml.erb file
@cxf_pub An already instanced public client
@contact_token A token used by cxf to identify the contact
@visit_id An identifier of the visit registered
@cxf_contact An already instanced contact client (not usable until call the contact login method)

And the following controller methods:

Method Parameters Return value Description
cxf_contact_signed_in? none boolean Indicates if the contact has an active session
cxf_contact_login email, password void Starts a contact session
cxf_contact_logout none void Ends a contact session
cxf_contact_magic_link_login hash, redirect_in_error void Starts a contact session in and set a session cookie

Admin controller usage

If want to have a private section where only a cxf user can acces and use the private user api is needed to inherit from the AdminBaseController.

# admin_controller.rb

class AdminController < Cxf::AdminBaseController

This heritance will make the following class variables available:

Variable Description
@host Host defined in cxf_config.yml.erb file
@api_key API key defined in cxf_config.yml.erb file
@cxf_user An already instanced user client (not usable until call the user login method)
@cxf_service_account An already instanced service_account client

And the following controller methods:

Method Parameters Return value Description
cxf_user_login email, password void Starts a user session
cxf_user_logout none void Ends a user session
cxf_user_signed_in? none Boolean Indicates if the user has an active session
cxf_user_magic_link_login hash void Starts a user session in and set a session cookie

Cxf config file

The cxf.config.yml file allows to set the Cxf instance to which the implementation will access, it can add the host, api key for Cxf, in addition to setting the cache rules with redis, if you want to add a url to cache , you should add it to the groups array and set the cache time.

  # Cxf connection configuration
    api_key: your_cxf_api_key_goes_here
    cxf_slug: slug_id #save id and token in redis
    use_cache: boolean_value_to_enable_and_disable_cache
    redis_host: your_redis_server_host
    redis_port: your_redis_server_port
    redis_db: your_redis_database
      - urls:
          - group_of_urls
        time: time_that_will_be_applied_to_urls_in_seconds
    debug: false
    # Timeout is specified in seconds
    default_http_timeout: 30 # Allows setting a default timeout for all HTTP calls.
    get_http_timeout: 30 # Allows setting a default timeout for all GET calls.
    post_http_timeout: 30 # Allows setting a default timeout for all POST calls.
    put_http_timeout: 30 # Allows setting a default timeout for all PUT calls.
    delete_http_timeout: 30 # Allows setting a default timeout for all DELETE calls.

To enable sdk debugging you can change the variable debug. Finally, to configure the sharing of cookies between domains, you can configure the "iframe cookies", where you establish how long the cookie will have, if it is activated and the domains to share cookies (to have this functionality, we recommend the use of the template).

  # Cxf connection configuration
    debug: false
    activated: boolean_value_to_enable_and_disable_cookies_iframe
    expire_time: expire_time_of_cookies_iframe_in_hours
      - array_of_host_to_send_cookies

Override default clients

If you want other clients for admin/base controller, you need to specify them with the "define_cxf_clients" method


# admin_controller.rb

class AdminController < Cxf::AdminBaseController
  def define_cxf_clients
    %w[contact user pub service_account]

Override default timeouts

If you want specific timeouts per instance, you can define cxf_sdk_timeouts_config


# admin_controller.rb

class AdminController < Cxf::AdminBaseController
  def cxf_sdk_timeouts_config
      default: 30,
      get: 50,
      post: 40,
      put: 30,
      delete: 10

Error catching

The SDK provides different errors that are identified according to the response provided by Cxf, the errors can be 404, 401, 422, 500, etc. To rescue these errors, it is done as follows:

# Example 1
rescue => Cxf::Errors::ResourceNotFoundException
  puts "Error 404"

# Example 2

  response = @cxf_contact.register(data)
rescue Cxf::Errors::ValidationException => e
  response = e.to_h
  # This will return a Hash with the information needed to debug
  # Example:
    :client => sdk_instance,
    # Client instance
    # @host = "https://your_cxf_instance",
    # @api_key = current_api_key,
    # @session_token = current_session_token,
    # @contact_token_id = current_contact_token_id,
    # @visit_id = current_visit_id,
    # @debug = current_debug_flag,
    # @scope = current_scope,
    # @base_url = current_base_url
    :title => "Request failed with status 422",
    :detail => "Unprocessable Entity",
    :http_status => 422,
    :response => { "email" => ["The email has already been taken."] },
    :errors => ["The email has already been taken."]

The current errors are:

Error Status Full error name
AccessDeniedException 401 Cxf::Errors::AccessDeniedException
ResourceNotFoundException 404 Cxf::Errors::ResourceNotFoundException
MethodNotAllowedException 405 Cxf::Errors::MethodNotAllowedException
ValidationException 422 Cxf::Errors::ValidationException
InternalServerException 500 Cxf::Errors::InternalServerException
Cxf::Pub - Cxf::Pub::Config - [Cxf::Pub::Config::Attributes](doc/pub/config/ - [Cxf::Pub::Config::PublicFolders](doc/pub/config/ - [Cxf::Pub::Config::Tags](doc/pub/config/ - [Cxf::Pub::Config::Taxonomies](doc/pub/config/ - Cxf::Pub::Content - [Cxf::Pub::Content::Assets](doc/pub/content/ - [Cxf::Pub::Content::ContentBundles](doc/pub/content/ - [Cxf::Pub::Content::ContentInstanceVersions](doc/pub/content/ - [Cxf::Pub::Content::ContentInstances](doc/pub/content/ - [Cxf::Pub::Content::Forms](doc/pub/content/ - [Cxf::Pub::Content::Stories](doc/pub/content/ - [Cxf::Pub::Content::StoryVersions](doc/pub/content/ - Cxf::Pub::Ecommerce - [Cxf::Pub::Ecommerce::Locations](doc/pub/ecommerce/ - [Cxf::Pub::Ecommerce::Orders](doc/pub/ecommerce/
Cxf::Contact - Cxf::Contact::Config - [Cxf::Contact::Config::Appointments](doc/contact/config/ - Cxf::Contact::Content - [Cxf::Contact::Content::Conversations](doc/contact/content/ - Cxf::Contact::Ecommerce - [Cxf::Contact::Ecommerce::OrderItemGroups](doc/contact/ecommerce/ - [Cxf::Contact::Ecommerce::OrderItems](doc/contact/ecommerce/ - [Cxf::Contact::Ecommerce::Orders](doc/contact/ecommerce/ - [Cxf::Contact::Ecommerce::Vouchers](doc/contact/ecommerce/
Cxf::User - Cxf::User::Config - [Cxf::User::Config::ApiKey](doc/user/config/ - [Cxf::User::Config::Appointments](doc/user/config/ - [Cxf::User::Config::AttributeGroups](doc/user/config/ - [Cxf::User::Config::Attributes](doc/user/config/ - [Cxf::User::Config::Calendar](doc/user/config/ - [Cxf::User::Config::PublicFolder](doc/user/config/ - [Cxf::User::Config::Relationships](doc/user/config/ - [Cxf::User::Config::Roles](doc/user/config/ - [Cxf::User::Config::Seeds](doc/user/config/ - [Cxf::User::Config::SystemSettings](doc/user/config/ - [Cxf::User::Config::Tags](doc/user/config/ - [Cxf::User::Config::Taxonomies](doc/user/config/ - [Cxf::User::Config::Teams](doc/user/config/ - [Cxf::User::Config::Users](doc/user/config/ - [Cxf::User::Contacts](doc/user/contacts/ - [Cxf::User::Content](doc/user/content/ - [Cxf::User::Content::Assets](doc/user/content/ - [Cxf::User::Content::ContentInstances](doc/user/content/ - [Cxf::User::Content::ContentTemplates](doc/user/content/ - [Cxf::User::Content::Conversations](doc/user/content/ - [Cxf::User::Content::Dam](doc/user/content/ - [Cxf::User::Content::Forms](doc/user/content/ - [Cxf::User::Content::MessageTemplates](doc/user/content/ - [Cxf::User::Content::Messages](doc/user/content/ - [Cxf::User::Content::Pages](doc/user/content/ - [Cxf::User::Content::Stories](doc/user/content/ - [Cxf::User::Content::StoryTemplates](doc/user/content/ - [Cxf::User::Content::StoryVersions](doc/user/content/ - Cxf::User::Crm - [Cxf::User::Crm::Companies](doc/user/crm/ - [Cxf::User::Crm::Contacts](doc/user/crm/ - [Cxf::User::Crm::Deals](doc/user/crm/ - [Cxf::User::Crm::Favorites](doc/user/crm/ - [Cxf::User::Crm::Segments](doc/user/crm/ - [Cxf::User::Crm::Users](doc/user/crm/ - [Cxf::User::Crm::WorkflowStepObjects](doc/user/crm/ - [Cxf::User::Crm::WorkflowSteps](doc/user/crm/ - [Cxf::User::Crm::Workflows](doc/user/crm/ - Cxf::User::Ecommerce - [Cxf::User::Ecommerce::ItemPrices](doc/user/ecommerce/ - [Cxf::User::Ecommerce::Locations](doc/user/ecommerce/ - [Cxf::User::Ecommerce::OrderItemGroups](doc/user/ecommerce/ - [Cxf::User::Ecommerce::OrderStatuses](doc/user/ecommerce/ - [Cxf::User::Ecommerce::Orders](doc/user/ecommerce/ - [Cxf::User::Ecommerce::PriceList](doc/user/ecommerce/ - [Cxf::User::Ecommerce::ProductTemplates](doc/user/ecommerce/ - [Cxf::User::Ecommerce::ProductVariations](doc/user/ecommerce/ - [Cxf::User::Ecommerce::Products](doc/user/ecommerce/ - [Cxf::User::Ecommerce::Skus](doc/user/ecommerce/ - [Cxf::User::Ecommerce::Taxes](doc/user/ecommerce/ - [Cxf::User::Ecommerce::VariantOptions](doc/user/ecommerce/ - [Cxf::User::Ecommerce::VariantValues](doc/user/ecommerce/ - [Cxf::User::Ecommerce::Vouchers](doc/user/ecommerce/ - [Cxf::User::Helpers](doc/user/helpers/ - [Cxf::User::Helpers::ObjectActivities](doc/user/helpers/ - [Cxf::User::Helpers::ObjectFolders](doc/user/helpers/ - [Cxf::User::Helpers::UserFolders](doc/user/helpers/ - [Cxf::User::Marketing](doc/user/marketing/ - [Cxf::User::Profile](doc/user/profile/
Cxf::Threads - [Cxf::MakeMultipleRequest](doc/threads/