
This is a Danger plugin that can assist with reviews involving Gemfile dependency changes. It can display a helpful table with links to changelogs and diffs, and provides a DSL for evaluating changes to your depdencies.


$ gem install danger-gem_changes


The following examples are changes to your Dangerfile.

Summary Table

# Print a markdown table summarizing Gemfile.lock changes, if any.

Gemfile.lock Changes

Gem Source Changelog Change Version Level
rubocop-factory_bot Source Changelog Downgraded 2.25.1 ➘ 2.25.0 Patch
rubocop-performance Source Changelog Added 1.21.0
rubocop-rake Source Changelog Upgraded 0.5.0 ➚ 0.6.0 Minor
rubocop-rspec Source Changelog Removed 2.29.2

Changes DSL

This gem provides a DSL for accessing metadata about changes to your Gemfile dependencies:

Method Description
changes All dependency changes
additions Dependencies that were not present before
removals Dependencies that are no longer present
upgrades Dependencies that have a newer version than before
downgrades Dependencies that have a lower version than before

Each dependency change has information about the gem and version change:

Method Example
gem.name rubocop-rake
from 0.6.0
to 0.6.1
change? true
addition? false
removal? false
upgrade? true
downgrade? false

The from attribute will be nil for additions, and to will be nil for removals.

More Examples

# Print a warning if new dependencies were added.
warn "Dependencies added" if gem_changes.additions.any?
# Print a table of dependency downgrades, if any
downgrades = gem_changes.downgrades
gem_changes.summarize_changes changes: downgrades, title: "Dependency Downgrades"


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run bundle install to setup dependencies.
  3. Run bundle exec rake spec to run the tests.
  4. Use bundle exec guard to automatically have tests run as you make changes.
  5. Make your changes.