
A description of danger-prose.


$ gem install danger-prose


Lint markdown files inside your projects. This is done using the proselint python egg. Results are passed out as a table in markdown.

Running linter with custom disabled linters

# Runs a linter with comma style and tense present disabled
prose.disable_linters = ["misc.scare_quotes", "misc.tense_present"]
prose.lint_files "_posts/*.md"
Running linter with default linters

# Runs a linter with all styles, on modified and added markdown files in this PR
Running the spell checker

# Runs a spell checker on all files in `_post`
prose.check_spelling "_posts/*.md"
Running the spell checker, with some words whitelisted

prose.ignored_words = ["orta", "artsy"]


disable_linters - Allows you to disable a collection of linters from running. Doesn't work yet. You can get a list of them here defaults to ["misc.scare_quotes", "typography.symbols"] when it's nil. ignored_words - Allows you to add a collection of words to skip in spellchecking. defaults to [""] when it's nil.


lint_files - Lints the globbed markdown files. Will fail if proselint cannot be installed correctly. Generates a markdown list of warnings for the prose in a corpus of .markdown and .md files.

proselint_installed? - Determine if proselint is currently installed in the system paths.

mdspell_installed? - Determine if mdspell is currently installed in the system paths.

check_spelling - Runs a markdown-specific spell checker, against a corpus of .markdown and .md files.