
Danger plugin to validate files (or directories) naming.


$ gem install danger-spec_postfix

Example of usage

1. Add lint to your Dangerfile (specifying what you want to check and how)

For example in order to make sure that all tests in your 'spec/' folder have required postfix '_spec' (this is the purpose plugin was initially built for) add:

options = {
  message: 'Tests should have `_spec` postfix',
  include_path: %r{spec/},
  match: %r{_spec.rb$}

You can also pass `exclude_path` param in order to skip irrelevant files or directories:

options = {
  message: 'Tests should have `_spec` postfix',
  include_path: %r{spec/},
  match: %r{_spec.rb$}
  exclude_path: Regexp.union(%r{rails_helper.rb}, %r{rails_helper.rb}, %{spec/factories/}, %r{spec/support/})

2. Get warnings:

"Tests should have `_spec` postfix: spec/models/test_without_postfix.rb"


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run bundle install to setup dependencies.
  3. Run bundle exec rake spec to run the tests.
  4. Use bundle exec guard to automatically have tests run as you make changes.
  5. Make your changes.