Dart Sass for Spockets

build gem

Use Dart Sass with Sprockets and the Ruby on Rails asset pipeline.

This gem is a fork of sass/sassc-rails which maintains API compatibility but delegates to the sass-embedded gem which uses Dart Sass instead of the libsass C implmentation.

For ease of upgrading, the root namespace ::SassC is still used by this gem, although it is now a misnomer. This is planned to be renamed in a future major version release.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dartsass-sprockets'

This will automatically configure your default Rails config.assets.css_compressor to use :sass.

Version Support

The current version of dartsass-sprockets supports:

  • Ruby 3.1+
  • Rails 6.1+

For older versions of Ruby and Rails may be supported with earlier versions of this gem.

Upgrading to Dart Sass

This gem is a drop-in replacement to sass-rails. Note the following differences:

  • This library does not apply SASS processing to .css files. Please ensure all your SASS files have file extension .scss.
  • config.sass.style values :nested and :compact will behave as :expanded. Use :compressed for minification.
  • config.sass.line_comments option is ignored and will always be disabled.

Inline Source Maps

To turn on inline source maps, add the following configuration to your development.rb file:

# config/environments/development.rb
config.sass.inline_source_maps = true

After adding this config line, you may need to clear your assets cache (rm -r tmp/cache/assets), stop Spring, and restart your Rails server.

Note these source maps are inline and will be appended to the compiled application.css file. (They will not generate additional files.)


  • dartsass-rails: The Rails organization maintains its own wrapper for Dart Sass. Unlike this gem, dartsass-rails does not support Sprockets.



  1. Fork it (https://github.com/tablecheck/dartsass-sprockets/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature') - try to include tests
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request