Getting Started with Shell Data & Reporting APIs


Data And Reporting product consists of API's which provides details of transaction and invoice informations about shell cards. The Shell Card Transaction and Invoice API is REST-based and employs Basic authentication in Version 1 and Oauth authentication in Version 2 end points. The API endpoints accept JSON-encoded request bodies, return JSON-encoded responses and use standard HTTP response codes. All resources are located in the Shell Card Platform. The Shell Card Platform is the overall platform that encompasses all the internal Shell systems used to manage resources. All endpoints use the POST verb for retrieving, updating, creating and deleting resources in the Shell Card Platform. The endpoints that retrieve resources from the Shell Card Platform allow flexible search parameters in the API request body.

Go to the Shell Developer Portal:

Install the Package

Install the gem from the command line:

gem install data-and-reporting-sdk -v 1.0.0

Or add the gem to your Gemfile and run bundle:

gem 'data-and-reporting-sdk', '1.0.0'

For additional gem details, see the RubyGems page for the data-and-reporting-sdk gem.

Test the SDK

To run the tests, navigate to the root directory of the SDK in your terminal and execute the following command:


Initialize the API Client

Note: Documentation for the client can be found here.

The following parameters are configurable for the API Client:

Parameter Type Description
environment Environment The API environment.
Default: Environment.SIT
connection Faraday::Connection The Faraday connection object passed by the SDK user for making requests
adapter Faraday::Adapter The Faraday adapter object passed by the SDK user for performing http requests
timeout Float The value to use for connection timeout.
Default: 60
max_retries Integer The number of times to retry an endpoint call if it fails.
Default: 0
retry_interval Float Pause in seconds between retries.
Default: 1
backoff_factor Float The amount to multiply each successive retry's interval amount by in order to provide backoff.
Default: 2
retry_statuses Array A list of HTTP statuses to retry.
Default: [408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504, 521, 522, 524]
retry_methods Array A list of HTTP methods to retry.
Default: %i[get put]
http_callback HttpCallBack The Http CallBack allows defining callables for pre and post API calls.
basic_auth_credentials BasicAuthCredentials The credential object for Basic Authentication
bearer_token_credentials BearerTokenCredentials The credential object for OAuth 2 Client Credentials Grant

The API client can be initialized as follows:

client =
    username: 'Username',
    password: 'Password'
    o_auth_client_id: 'OAuthClientId',
    o_auth_client_secret: 'OAuthClientSecret'
  environment: Environment::SIT


The SDK can be configured to use a different environment for making API calls. Available environments are:


Name Description
SIT Default
Production -


This API uses the following authentication schemes.

List of APIs

Classes Documentation