
The PII (Personally Identifiable Information) registry support: master data field definition and link to using those to applications/services code.

References to this gem's:


This gem provides:

  • The DSL to describe PII fields definition with properties such as impact level and any other properties you may want to add.
  • And another DSL to describe how the PII fields are related to the application/services code. such as impact level and any other properties you may want to add.
  • Parsers for the DSLs
  • Exporters of the PII definition fo Java, Scala, Python and JSON.


The gem features the API and the executable for the code export.


Code Export

The Gem has the executable named dmPiiGenCode.rb which is used to export DataMetaPII definitions into different formats.

The executable's help text you get by running dmPiiGenCode.rb without arguments looks like this:

Usage: dmPiiGenCode.rb <Scope> <ExportFormat> <OutputRoot> [ Namespace ]

Exports the PII definition into sources

   <Scope> - one of: abstract, app

   <ExportFormat>  - one of: java, scala, python, json

   <OutputRoot> - must be a valid directory in the local file system.

   [ Namespace ] - for Java and Scala - package name, for Python - module name, for JSON - does not matter.

   DataMetaPII sources should be piped in.

Therefore, to export the version 1.0.0 of the Abstract Fields master to JSON into current directory, you would run:

cat abstract-1.0.0.dmPii | piiGenCode.rb abstract json .

Which would write a file named PiiAbstractDef_1_0_0.json in current directory.

The gem provides the AppLink DSL parsing API to obtain the data structure describing the AppLink and use it to generate code.

Run DataMetaPii.parseAppLink(source) to get the AppLink data structures in memory


gem install dataMetaPii


Apache v 2.0