Class: Decidim::Form

AttributeObject::Form show all
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A base form object to hold common logic, like automatically adding as public method the params sent as context by the ‘FormFactory` concern.

Constant Summary

Constants included from AttributeObject::TypeMap

AttributeObject::TypeMap::Boolean, AttributeObject::TypeMap::Decimal

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from AttributeObject::Form


Method Summary

Methods inherited from AttributeObject::Form

ensure_hash, from_model, from_params, hash_from, infer_model_name, #map_model, mimic, mimicked_model_name, model_name, #persisted?, #to_key, #to_model, #to_param, #valid?, #with_context

Methods included from AttributeObject::Model

#[], #[]=, #attributes, #attributes_with_values, #initialize, #to_h