Module: Decidim::ParticipatorySpaceResourceable
- Extended by:
- ActiveSupport::Concern
- Defined in:
- lib/decidim/participatory_space_resourceable.rb
Participatory Space Resourceable is a concern with the features needed when you want to link a space (for example ‘Participatory Process`) to another space (`Assembly`).
The main difference between the two concerns ‘Resourceable` and `ParticipatorySpaceResourceable` is that the first one is linking component types between them, for example `Budgets` with `Proposals` and therefore depend on a `Component`.
The second one, ‘ParticipatorySpaceResourceable`, it is used for linking `ParticipatorySpaces` to each other, and therefore don’t depend on a ‘Component` but rather that they depend to the `Organization`.