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Lausanne Participe — Une plateforme de participation pour imaginer et réaliser ensemble

Public Participatory Budgeting

This repository create a new participatory component, cloned from participatory budgets. It is done on decidim version 0.24.3 exclusively for now.


  • As a non-connected user, I can insert my personal data, and use it to vote. This data will be checked oveer the official residentship database.
  • As a non-connected user, I have a clear view on the vote process. First insert my personal data, then vote, then finalize my vote.


From the original budget component, the following features are not implemented:

  1. Authorizations: You can not define authorizations for this component (as it authorized only registered user)
  2. Percentage rules: we improve the flow for minimu_project vote flow only. The others rules are un-tested and highly volatile


This repository was done for the very specific use case of Lausanne City, you probably won't find any usage of this module.


The data-protection law in Switzerland is clear: save the minimal data for a limited amount of time.

As at Lausanne we see PB have somehow lower participation rates, we decide to experiment around public access. We go through a another strategy than Authorization in order to:

  • Keep the submissions in the context of a PB
  • Be able to remove user data without affecting behaviour
  • Having a nicer UX flow as we now know there is a first step process in PB.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "decidim-lausanne-budgets", git: ""

Then execute:

bundle exec rails decidim_lausanne_budgets:install:migrations
bundle exec rails db:migrate


The Rakefile is shipped with a test_app using docker-compose to run a database. If you haven't done it already, install docker](

    bundle exec rake test_app

Local development

For decidim version 0.27, use Gemfile.0.27. For version 0.26, use Gemfile.0.26

cp Gemfile.0.27 Gemfile

First, you need to run an empty database with a decidim dev container which runs nothing.

docker-compose down -v --remove-orphans
docker-compose up -d

Once created, you access the decidim container

# Get the id of the decidim dev container
docker ps --format {{.ID}}
# 841ae977c7da
docker exec -it 841ae977c7da bash

You are now in bash, run manually. This will check your environment and do migrations if needed

bundle exec rake decidim_lausanne_budgets:install:migrations

You are now ready to use your container in the way you want for development:

  • Run a rails seed: bundle exec rails db:seed
  • Have live-reload on your assets: bin/webpack-dev-server
  • Execute tasks, like bundle exec rails g migration AddSomeColumn
  • Run the rails server: bundle exec rails s -b
  • etc.

To stop everything, uses:

  • docker-compose down to stop the containers
  • docker-compose down -v to stop the containers and remove all previously saved data.


To debug something on the container:

  1. Ensure decidim-app is running

    docker ps --all
    # CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                         COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS                  PORTS                                                                                  NAMES
    # 0517244cbdde   decidim-module-lausanne_budgets-decidim-app   "sleep infinity"         20 hours ago   Up 20 hours   >3000/tcp, :::3000->3000/tcp,>3035/tcp, :::3035->3035/tcp   decidim-lausanne-budgets-app
    # 5399fc0c0866   postgres:14-alpine                            "docker-entrypoint.s…"   20 hours ago   Up 20 hours (healthy)>5432/tcp, :::5432->5432/tcp                                              decidim-module-lausanne_budgets-pg-1
  2. In another terminal, run docker exec -it 0517244cbdde bash

  3. Run

    • tail -f $ROOT/log/development.log to access logs
    • bundle exec rails restart to restart rails server AND keeps webpacker running
    • cd $ROOT to access the development_app
    • cd $ROOT/../decidim_module_lausanne_budgets to access the module directory


This repository is not yet ready for contributions.


This engine is distributed under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.

Decidim Installation by Octree