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Anti-Spam for decidim

Flexible detection and reaction on spam for Decidim, sponsored by:

Available Detection

This anti-spam gem comes with three core detection for spam:

  • Allowed TLDs: A list of all extensions (like .com) that are allowed. If an extension not present in the list is detected, a Not Allowed Tlds Found is raised
  • Forbidden TLDs: A list of all extensions (like .finance) that are forbidden. If an extension not present in the list is detected, a Forbidden Tlds Found is raised
  • Words: A dictionnary of forbidden word. If a forbidden word is found, a Word Found is raised.


A rule is a link between the detection and what you do with the user (the agent). We work on two sets of rules: SPAM and SUSPICIOUS. You can this way define two kinds of actions and have a more fine-grained spam policy. For example, you could:

  • When a .xxx domain is found, Lock the user
  • When a domain that is not .com, .ch, .eu, .io, Signalize the user to the admins.


An agent is activated by a rule with a detected content. We have for now two agent:

  1. Lock: Use the Devise::Lockable strategy to lock the user, and send unlock instructions by email
  2. Sinalize: Do nothing, but sinalize the user to the admins


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'decidim-spam_signal', '~> 0.3.0'


gem install decidim-spam_signal

Then execute:

bundle exec rails decidim_spam_signal:install:migrations
bundle exec rails db:migrate

Local development

For decidim version 0.27, use Gemfile.0.27. For version 0.26, use Gemfile.0.26

cp Gemfile.0.27 Gemfile

First, you need to run an empty database with a decidim dev container which runs nothing.

docker-compose down -v --remove-orphans
docker-compose up -d

Once created, you access the decidim container

# Get the id of the decidim dev container
docker ps --format {{.ID}}
# 841ae977c7da
docker exec -it 841ae977c7da bash

You are now in bash, run manually. This will check your environment and do migrations if needed

bundle exec rake decidim_spam_signal_admin:install:migrations

You are now ready to use your container in the way you want for development:

  • Run a rails seed: bundle exec rails db:seed
  • Have live-reload on your assets: bin/webpack-dev-server
  • Execute tasks, like bundle exec rails g migration AddSomeColumn
  • Run the rails server: bundle exec rails s -b
  • etc.

To stop everything, uses:

  • docker-compose down to stop the containers
  • docker-compose down -v to stop the containers and remove all previously saved data.


To debug something on the container:

  1. Ensure decidim-app is running

    docker ps --all
    #   CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS        PORTS                                            NAMES
    #   841ae977c7da   decidim-module-spam_signal-decidim-app   "sleep infinity"   32 minutes ago   Up 29 minutes>3000/tcp, :::3000->3000/tcp,>3035/tcp, :::3035->3035/tcp   decidim-spam_signal-app <-------- THIS ONE
    #   b56adf6404d8   decidim-geo-development-app     "bin/webpack-dev-ser…"   54 seconds ago   Up 46 seconds>3035/tcp   decidim-webpacker                                       decidim-installer
    #   bc1e912c3d8a   postgis/postgis:14-3.3-alpine   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   13 hours ago   Up 13 hours>5432/tcp                           decidim-module-geo-pg-1
  2. In another terminal, run docker exec -it 841ae977c7da bash

  3. Run

    • tail -f $ROOT/log/development.log to access logs
    • bundle exec rails restart to restart rails server AND keeps webpacker running
    • cd $ROOT to access the development_app
    • cd $ROOT/../decidim_module_geo to access the module directory

Environment Variable

export USER_BOT_EMAIL='[email protected]' # user-bot used for signaling the spammers


We don't have UI for this (and probably won't), so here some useful script:

Who is locked for more than a month and didn't unlock their account (CSV)?

require "csv"
headers=["id", "nickname", "email", "vérouillé le"]"locked-users.csv", "w") do |csv|
  csv << headers
  Decidim::User.where("locked_at < ?", 31.days.ago).pluck(:id, :nickname, :email, :locked_at).each {|usr| csv << usr }

Apply your spam strategy to existing data?

Decidim::User.all.each {|user| user.valid? }
Decidim::Comments::Comment.all.each {|comment| comment.valid? }


You are welcome to fill issues in this repo, and help if you have time.

Add your own detection

An agent have two classes: A command class, and a form class (for settings).

For Command, here some restrictions:

  • You need to define a form to a Decidim::Form class, with absolute ::<name> namespace. You will have trouble with memory allocation if you don't
  • You need to suffix your command with ScanCommand name. That's a convention we use to avoid configurations.
  • call must broadcast :ok or one of the output_symbols defined
class CustomScanCommand < Decidim::SpamSignal::Scans::ScanHandler
    def self.form
    def self.output_symbols
    def call
        return broadcast(:foo) if config["foo_enabled"]

For Settings:

  • You need to include the module Decidim::SpamSignal::SettingsForm to make the whole thing work
  • We have special naming rules on how you name your attributes:
    • if its start with is_ or end with _enabled, you will have a checkbox
    • if its ends with _csv you will have a textarea
    • the rest is like default decidim's form builder.
class CustomSettingsForm < Decidim::Form
    include Decidim::SpamSignal::SettingsForm
    attribute :foo_enabled, Boolean, default: false
    # You can add validation here ;)

And now, you can register your command in an initializer:

Decidim::SpamSignal::Scans::ScansRepository.instance.register(:custom, ::CustomScanCommand)

And set the i18n fields:

  • decidim.spam_signal.scans.custom.description
  • decidim.spam_signal.forms.custom.custom_settings_form.foo_enabled

Add your own agent

We won't advise you create your own agent, as it seems the Lock agent as the strongest agent is already a good compromise for spam control. If you really want it, that's simple, it's almost like detection:

  • Use CopCommand to suffix your command
  • Add a self.form to your settings (it can returns nil)
  • Use these different attributes:
class CustomCopCommand < Decidim::SpamSignal::Cops::CopHandler
    def self.form

    def call
        suspicious_user.lock_access! # or do whatever with the admin

Settings are exactly the same logic, and i18n fields:

  • decidim.spam_signal.cops.custom.description
  • decidim.spam_signal.forms.custom.custom_settings_form.foo_enabled

To register it in an initializer:

Decidim::SpamSignal::Cops::CopsRepository.instance.register(:custom, ::CustomCopCommand)

N.B You will find in the code the term cop to refer an agent. This is provocative on purpose: participation must be as inclusive as possible, restricting participation is BAD. You are warned, be your own cop.


This engine is distributed under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.

Anti Spam for Decidim, screenshot

Anti Spam for Decidim, screenshot

Decidim Installation by Octree