Class: DeferrableGratification::Combinators::Join::Successes

DeferrableGratification::Combinators::Join show all
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Combinator that waits for all of the supplied asynchronous operations to succeed or fail, then succeeds with the results of all those operations that were successful.

This Deferrable will never fail. It may also never succeed, if any of the supplied operations does not either succeed or fail.

The successful results are guaranteed to be in the same order as the operations were passed in (which may not be the same as the chronological order in which they succeeded).

You probably want to call ClassMethods#join_successes rather than using this class directly.

Method Summary

Methods inherited from DeferrableGratification::Combinators::Join

#initialize, #setup!, setup!

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from DeferrableGratification::Combinators::Join