
This engine provides a user interface for the delayed_job gem. Delayed_job (or DJ) is a powerful addition to any app that needs asynchronous processing, but it’s tedious to troubleshoot what is happening, especially during development when errors are frequent. Features include

  • at a glance counts for running, failing, overdue, and future tasks

  • listing of jobs in each of those states

  • a job detail popup showing the payload object and last_error

  • auto refresh (every 5 seconds) of the counts and lists. For performance reasons, it will stop after 2 minutes, but can be restarted

Screenshots can be seen on the wiki

This gem operates as a mountable engine, as such is only suitable for Rails 3.1 or greater.


Assuming you already have DJ running on your app, add the dashboard to your Gemfile

gem 'delayed_job_dashboard'

Then, mount the engine with a given url prefix in your routes.rb

YourApp::Application.routes.draw do
  mount DelayedJobDashboard::Engine => "/djd"


Can I control running jobs?

Since the DJ Workers run in a completely different process, there is no practical way to connect to those threads and interupt them

Can I manipulate pending jobs?

Until there’s a practical security model for the dashboard, it won’t facilitate being a backdoor for hackers to mess with your application. Until then, rails console is your friend.

What do the states mean? DJ doesn’t have those states…

The dashboard tries to give a view into the different records in your delayed_jobs table

  • running: records with a “locked_by”, indicating a worker has reserved it and it is running

  • failing: any records with attempts > 1. If it failed once, it’ll probably fail again…

  • overdue: any record with a run_at in the past. This will often include jobs that are running

  • future: any record with a run_at in the future

Why can’t it show completed jobs?

DJ explicitly destroys successful jobs. Surely, it was a practical performance tweak. Perhaps this dashboard will influence a change to retain jobs for instrumentations purposes.


  • Figure out how to integrate with application security, such as cancan

  • More testing in real world scenarios

  • If DJ were enhanced to keep successful jobs, the dashboard could include metrics for running jobs, including average wait time, execution time



This gem is licensed under the MIT-LICENSE.