Quick Start

The first thing you need to do is to import your del.icio.us bookmarks. Start by setting environment variables for your del.icio.us username and password:

export delish_user=user

export delish_pass=pass

And then import your bookmarks.


You can access these bookmarks with the delish command. See more below.

Once you have set the environment variables, you can update your bookmarks with


I recommend that you update as often as you add between one and ten bookmarks. Updating any more than ten bookmarks will be slow and inefficient.


Conveniently access del.icio.us bookmarks from a local database via commandline


delish basic_search(advanced_search) display_only

A string that should be in the url, the description, or the extended description. It is case insensitive and unanchored.

Advanced search allows searching by tags and/or creation date or access date. Advanced searches must be separated by colons.


Tag searches start with a character and follow with any number of tags separated with commas.

exact tag


start of tag


inside of tag



Dates begin with a character specifying which date to check against. The character can be either a for accessed or c for creation date. Following this is an optional date specification type. If the type is left off it will be of day type. The date specification types include h for hour and w for week. Support for M (month), m (minute) and s (second) is planned for another release. After the date specification is the optional date search specification, followed by the amount of time to search. The date search specification can be a +, which means more than so much time, or a -, which means less than so much time.


This can be any string at all. It will basically cause the program to output the links that it would have opened if you had not provided the string. The idea is that you can run delish with some random character at the end, make sure the link is right, and then press up and backspace to get it to open the link(s).



bookmarks containing the word harold in the url, description, or extended description.


bookmarks that contain both ruby and rails tags.


bookmarks that contain tags that start with ru and ra.


bookmarks that contain tags that contain un and si.


bookmarks that have been accessed within the past 6 weeks.


bookmarks that were created more than two hours ago.


bookmarks that were created the day before yesterday.


This will return any bookmarks with a description, url, or extended description containing ruby, a ruby tag, a rails tag, a tag starting with z and a tag containing yes.


  • “search” tags

  • zsh configuration section

  • Month, minute, and second support

  • Profile the code to increase speed

  • “Build Script”

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