Deprecations Collector

This gem is collecting Rails deprecations from your Rails app into a separate log file.

How it could be used: imagine you are doing Rails upgrade, you have many specs and you want to find all deprecations and fix them before version upgrade. You can log all deprecations in log file, fix them. It helps with version upgrade.


Add gem to Gemfile:

gem "deprecations_collector", group: [:development, :test] # or even production

Then run bundle install.

In config/environments/development.rb or config/environments/test.rb. You can also do it for production.


  config.active_support.deprecation = [:log, DeprecationsCollector.instance]
  # or
  config.active_support.deprecation = [:stderr, DeprecationsCollector.instance]
  # or
  config.active_support.deprecation = DeprecationsCollector.instance
  # or
  config.active_support.deprecation = DeprecationsCollector.instance(filename: 'file-with-deprecations.log')

Start your Rails application, or specs/tests. Than check logs/deprecations.log.

Log file will be stored in Rails.root/logs folder.


You are welcome to contribute. Gem has a dummy application which helps with development.

cd test/dummy

bundle install

rake db:migrate

rails s