Module: Devise::Controllers::UrlHelpers

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Create url helpers to be used with resource/scope configuration. Acts as proxies to the generated routes created by devise. Resource param can be a string or symbol, a class, or an instance object. Example using a :user resource:

new_session_path(:user)      => new_user_session_path
session_path(:user)          => user_session_path
destroy_session_path(:user)  => destroy_user_session_path

new_password_path(:user)     => new_user_password_path
password_path(:user)         => user_password_path
edit_password_path(:user)    => edit_user_password_path

new_confirmation_path(:user) => new_user_confirmation_path
confirmation_path(:user)     => user_confirmation_path

Those helpers are added to your ApplicationController.