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OAM authentication strategy for devise.

This Rails engine adds header based authentication strategy to devise for integration with Oracle Access Manager.


In Rails 3, add this to your Gemfile and run the bundle command.

gem "devise_oam", "~> 0.0.6"


1) Add the HeaderAuthenticatable strategy in devise initializer config/initializers/devise.rb:

# Add HeaderAuthenticatable strategy to Warden:
config.warden do |manager|
  manager.strategies.add(:custom_auth, DeviseOam::Devise::Strategies::HeaderAuthenticatable)
  manager.default_strategies(:scope => :user).unshift :custom_auth

2) Set DeviseOam settings (i.e. in config/initializers/devise_oam.rb):

DeviseOam.setup do |config|
  config.oam_header = "OAM_REMOTE_USER"
  config.user_class = "User"
  config. = "email"
  config.create_user_if_not_found = false

Settings explained:

  • oam_header - HTTP header that triggers the authentication strategy, should have user login as a value
  • user_class - class of your devise user model
  • user_login_field - login field for the user model (should be unique)
  • create_user_if_not_found - if set to true this will create a new user if no user was found
  • create_user_method - method in the user_class to handle new user creation
  • ldap_header - HTTP header for LDAP roles
  • update_user_method - method in the user_class to handle updating user roles and additional attributes
  • attr_headers - headers with additional attributes that are passed to create_user_method and update_user_method

roles_setter should still work, but is deprecated

Automatic user creation

If you need to automatically create new users based on oam_header you need to do the following:

  1. Set create_user_if_not_found setting to true
  2. Add a method to your user class that will accept a hash of params (user_login_field and also :roles if you are using LDAP roles) and create a new user
  3. In the initializer set the create_user_method setting to the method you've just added

For an example see test/dummy app.

LDAP roles

To use LDAP roles parsing:

  1. Set ldap_header setting to the HTTP header with roles (should be a comma separated string)
  2. Add a method to your user class that will accept an array with roles and update the user
  3. In the initializer set update_user_method setting to the method you've just created

For an example see test/dummy app.

Passing additional attributes

DeviseOam.setup do |config|
  config.user_class = "User"
  config.create_user_method = :create_oam_user
  config.update_user_method = :update_oam_user
  config.attr_headers = %w(ATTR_1, ATTR_2) # http headers with attributes

class User
  def create_oam_user(attributes)
    attributes[:attr_1] # --> value from ATTR_1 header

  def update_oam_user(roles, attributes)
    attributes[:attr_1] # --> value from ATTR_1 header


This project uses MIT-LICENSE.