
This gem is very much in development and I do not at all recommend using it in a project yet. Feel free to contribute though :)

Reusable Omniauth integration for Devise supporting multiple providers. Gives you a User model

Run the installer

rails generate devise_omniauth:install

Follow the instructions output from the installer

Install the database migrations

rake devise_omniauth:install:migrations

Run migrations

rake db:migrate

Below are old notes, ignore

Mount the engine's routes in your routes.rb. Note: if you change the :as option you will need to customize the paths in the devise views (see below)

mount DeviseOmniauth::Engine => "/", :as => "devise_omniauth"

Now you can access the routes url helpers from this engine in your application using the prefix you cleared in the :as above, for instance:


Install the devise initializer

rails generate initializer devise

Open the newly created config/initializers/devise.rb and customize the following lines with your oauth settings:

config.omniauth :facebook, "[SET APP_ID HERE]", "[SET APP_SECRET HERE]"

To customize the devise views (optional):

rails generate devise:views

For each provider you want to use, add them to your config/initializers/devise.rb, for instance:

require "omniauth-facebook"
config.omniauth :facebook, "APP_ID", "APP_SECRET"

Make sure your model is omniauthable (app/models/user.rb

devise :omniauthable