
A lightweight authentication gem based on devise and jwt gems.


DeviseToken is a stripped down version of devise_token_auth, which removes the oauth and token implementation in devise_token_auth and replaces them with jwt for authentication.

What are JSON Web Tokens?



Include the DeviseToken::Concerns::AuthenticateToken module in your base controller, ie ApplicationController if it is not included by default.

class ApplicationController < ActionController::API
  include DeviseToken::Concerns::AuthenticateToken

This will help you scope your resources by calling authenticate_user! as a before_action inside your controllers:

class TasksController < ApplicationController
  before_action :authenticate_user!


This will make available available methods such us current_user in your controller actions.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'devise_token'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install devise_token

Finally, run the install generator:

$ rails g devise_token:install User auth

This generator accepts the following optional arguments:

| Argument | Default | Description |
| USER_CLASS | `User` | The name of the class to use for user authentication. |
| MOUNT_PATH | `auth` | The path at which to mount the authentication routes.

This will create the following:

* An initializer will be created at `config/initializers/devise_token.rb`

* A model will be created in the `app/models` directory. If the model already exists, a concern will be included at the top of the file.
## Contributing
Contribution directions go here.

## License