
Patches in support for token authentication via headers in addition to the basic auth or request params for Devise's token_authenticatable strategy.

Based on - if you need to replace params/basic auth support with headers, so token in parameters or in basic auth will not work, use it.


In your Gemfile:

gem 'devise'
gem 'devise_token_auth_headers'

In your config/initializers/devise.rb, set the authentication key as usual (or use default).

Now you can put your token in your headers. Gem generates two keys to check in headers: source key as is was, X-source_keysource_key.upcase and X-source_keysource_key.camelize. Of course it changes '-' to '_' and uses uppercase.

For example, if you use deault key @:auth_token@ then the header keys could be either "AUTH_TOKEN", "X_AUTH_TOKEN" or "X-AuthToken".

And it all should Just Work™.