
DisqueJockey is a fast, concurrent background job processing framework for the Disque message queue.


First, you should run a Disque server if you aren't already doing so. Disque source and build instructions can be found at: https://github.com/antirez/disque

Once Disque is set up:

git clone git@github.com:DevinRiley/disque_jockey.git

cd into the project directory Install the gem dependencies with bundler

bundle install

to build the gem:

rake build

to install the gem on your machine:

gem install pkg/disque_jockey-0.0.1.gem

Now you're ready to use disque_jockey!

Writing your first worker

DisqueJockey provides a framework for creating background task workers. Workers subscribe to a disque queue and are given jobs from the queue.

Your worker should inherit from the DisqueJockey::Worker class

require 'disque_jockey'
class ExampleWorker < DisqueJockey::Worker
  subscribe_to 'example-queue'
  def handle(job)
    logger.info("Peforming job: #{job}")

Your worker class must do two things:

  • call the subscribe_to method with the name of a queue
  • implement a handle method, which will take a job as its argument. Jobs from Disque are strings.

Lastly, you must place your worker in a directory named 'workers'

Starting Disque Jockey

Once your worker is written and placed in a workers directory, you can call disque_jockey start from the command line and it will start up your workers and begin delivering jobs to them.

To see all the command line options, use the help command:

disque_jockey help start

To start disque_jockey with the desired options:

disque_jockey start --env=production --daemonize=true --worker-groups=10  --nodes=,

Messages successfully handled by a worker (ie no exceptions raised from the handle method) will be acknowledged and removed from the queue.

Worker Configuration

DisqueJockey::Worker implements some class methods that help you configure your worker. You call them the same way you call the subscribe_to method, at the top of your class.

require 'disque_jockey'
class HighlyConfiguredWorker < DisqueJockey::Worker
  subscribe_to 'example-queue'
  threads 7
  fast_ack true
  timeout 5

  def handle(job)
    logger.info("Peforming job: #{job}")
  • Fast Acknowledgements: call fast_ack true to use FASTACKs (https://github.com/antirez/disque#fast-acknowledges) in disque to acknowledge your messages. Please note that fast_ack will make it more likely you will process a job more than once in the event of a network partition. fast_ack is false by default.
  • Threads: To devote more threads to your worker class use threads 5 . Threads are set to two by default and have a maximum value of 10.
  • Timeout: To set the number of seconds your worker will process a job until raising a TimeoutError, use timeout 45. Timeout is set to 30 seconds by default and has a maximum value of 3600 seconds (one hour).


DisqueJockey is not a currently a production-ready system, and there are a number of goals for it that have not been met yet. Here is a list of functionality I'd like to add to DisqueJockey in the near future:

  • Allow workers to set auto-acknowledge or fast-acknowledge of messages.
  • Better test coverage around worker groups
  • Rails integration (ActiveJob Adapter)
  • More use cases in the README (e.g. how to use alongside Rails)